Monday, September 04, 2006

Ministry to the Body of Christ

Ministry to the Body of Christ

Elvis Iverson

Every believer in Christ has a spiritual gift and ministry to minister to the body of Christ. We each has a place, a function in the body of Christ, we are then more of a member to the body of Christ then a group in Christ, we are then more of a member of the city church then the local church. –(1 Cor. 12:12-31)

It is the will of the Lord that the Body of Christ lacks no gift, or comes short in no gift, meaning the Body of Christ, the national church, and the city church. We need to be body minded and city church minded then a local church or a group minded. We need to see the bigger picture and see our place and spot in this picture of the body of Christ and the city church. –(1 Cor. 1:2,7,9,10)

How does one minister outside of their own groups or local church to other believers in Christ? We are to minister in patience, love, grace, mercy, Spirit and truth toward one another in Christ, not only to minister in word, instead minister in power and minister in works and deeds. –(Eph. 4:15, Col. 4:6)

When you minister toward the body of Christ, we must come to the common ground, and common faith, and our common vision. That we can unite under the Lordship of Jesus Christ who is the true and only Head of the Church. We must understand that there are disagreements on things that person will not lose their salvation for, instead we are respect them for their view points of Scripture. Above this we are to pray for the flood levels of the Holy Spirit to rise in the body of Christ. Above this we are to come together for prayer, and worship and to hear the apostles and prophets speak unto the church. –(Eph. 2:19-22, 3:14-21, 4:1-6)

We must begin to have vision of the city church, region church, national church, global church and the body of Christ, and a vision of the Kingdom of God. –(Eph. 4:13, 5:27)

The Lord is rising up leaders today who will be giving grace and wisdom to minister and lead the church from city levels, region levels, national levels and global levels. These leaders will have an anointing from the Lord. Some will be leaders of the city church, some will be leaders of the regional church, some will be leaders of the national church, and some will be leaders of the global church. These are new spheres of ministry that will have order. These leaders will know how to walk in unity, and how deal with divisions, and how to minister the Truth with grace and love. –(Isa. 1:26)

There will be leaders that will carry the leadership role in these levels of new spheres of ministry in the body of Christ, and then there will be leaders who are just called not more in a leadership role, more in a ministry role to the church. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

We are to equip the saints of the church for the work of the ministry, meaning the church not just a group or a local church. The Holy Spirit speaks in a certain way to Apostles that to be giving to the church, and likewise the Holy Spirit speaks to Prophets in a certain way that is to be giving to the Church. –(Eph. 4:11-16, 2:20)

I believe that these leaders and ministers of the new spheres of ministry in the body of Christ will be apostles, prophets, and teachers. However not all apostles, prophets and teachers will be call to minister in these new spheres of ministry. –(1 Cor. 12:28)

Besides, the Lord is going to bring reformation to the church, and He is going to bring revivals to the church in all nations; these are a body minister, instead of a group ministry. –(Acts 3:19-21)

When the Lord adds daily to the church, He adds to the city Church, instead of a local church, yes-local churches will grow, for we all need a family of believers, but now the Lord wants a community of believers to come together in vision, common ground, prayer, missions, works and deeds, and the power of God. –(Acts 2:47)

Today and right now we to reach out to one another outside of our own groups and local churches to the community of believers around us, in love, in truth, in works and dead, we are to reach out and minister to one another and to have sweet fellowship with one another in Christ. –(1 Pet 4:7-11)

We can see this in coffee houses around a city, these meeting grounds are being establish for Christians to come out of there own box mindset and come into community mindset in loving one another and ministering to one another. –(Phil. 2:1-11)

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