City of Confusion
Elvis Iverson
There are many cities of confusion, in these cities there is no unity of the church, there is no church growth, there is no souls being added to the church, there is no prophetic vision for the city, there are no prophets, there are no intercessors, there may be some, but it is a hard life to live. There are no apostles, there are no gifts of the Spirit, there are no signs and wonders, and there are no new ministries and no one entering into ministry, and they’re no revelation of the body of Christ. –(Isa. 24:10)
Prophets and apostles don’t go to these cities, if they do most apostolic and prophetic ministries die in a few years. In these cities revelation is rare, and in these cities it is hard for a believer to hear the voice of God, and the churches in these cities have giving rest to the Holy Spirit, so the Holy Spirit does not move among these churches, He moves upon a believer, but not these churches and the cities are without the ministry of the Holy Spirit. –(Zech. 6:8,7:12)
Many of these cities are name not only cities of confusion, also Ichabod. The spirits of Ichabod must be dealt with and the spirit of Ichabod must be taking out. –(1 Sam. 4:19-22)
Notwithstanding, these cities have become a habitation of demons; spirits of religion, spirits of divination, spirits of unbelief, spirits of confusion, spirits of division, spirits of witchcraft, spirits of control, spirits of Jezebel, and spirits of heaviness, and these cities have a bronze heaven and iron hearts. –(Rev. 18:2)
The signs of a city of confusion:
1. No souls are coming to know the Lord: It is hard to win souls for Christ, and it is hard to keep souls that have been won to Christ, very few are won to the Lord in these cities.
2. No church growth: The church growth is very small, new church plants die within a few years, it is hard to plant churches in these cities, and the churches in these cities never grow.
3. No prophetic vision for their city, there are no prophecies about their city, there is no vision for their city, and they have no vision from God for their city.
4. No prophets in their city, they are not open to the prophetic ministry, they do not honor or welcome the prophets, they have hurt the prophets in the pass, they do not allow the prophetic anointing to flow or manifested.
5. No gifts of the Spirit in their churches, they have stop all gifts of the Spirit, they have stop prophecy, they have stop the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, they have try to control God in their churches, and they have commit sins against the Holy Spirit, and giving rest to the Holy Spirit from moving in their city, and there are no signs and wonders.
6. No one entering into the ministry, in these churches, there are very few who enter into ministry, many are stop by their spiritual leaders, and those who try, are controlled and stopped, and broken down.
7. There is no unity among the churches of their city, the city church lie in ruins. There is no vision of the Body of Christ, there are divisions among the churches, and they are not open to the ministry of apostles.
If your city is a city of confusion, you are to pray for wisdom and leading of the Holy Spirit, first repent of your part in the city of confusion, then repent on the behalf of the city and the churches of the city, then pray for the Lord to forgive His people, and forgive your city, and pray for prophets and apostles to be raise up, and pray for open doors, and begin to pray for the restoration of all these things that is lists in the signs of a city of confusion. –(Ezek. 22:30)
Moreover, their needs to be a local church that will pray and fast, that will begin to enter into prayer and fasting, that will ask prophets and apostles to come minister to their city and to their church, and the city church, then after a time, pray and look for three other churches to come together to pray and fast, and called apostles and prophets to come and minister to these churches, the church of the city, and the city church of your city, this will be a beginning place to begin with. –(2 Chron. 7:14)
Furthermore, The Lord wants and wills to heal and restore the church of your city and heal your city. Seek the Lord and pray for your city, as for grace to pray for your city, ask the Lord to lead you in praying for your city. God’s has a plan and purpose for your city; your city has a future and a hope. –(Jer. 29:10-13, Isa. 1:26)
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