Friday, October 12, 2007

Vision of Revival

Vision of Revival

Elvis Iverson

In this article I am going to talk about the vision of revival that Lord has giving me for the church and the world. Through the years of teaching and prophecy I can see more clearly even through I see only a part, but I believe see more of those parts, I am humble before the Lord and have hope for revival that coming and faith for revival to come today, as you read and hear what I am going to say today be prayer full, and take heed to these words that I will say today, for the glory of Christ. –(Prov. 29:18, Hab. 2:1-4, Heb. 11:1,6)

I believe that we have enter into a time of outpourings of outpouring of the Holy Spirit, this is restoration and progression of the Holy Spirit in outpourings of outpouring from the heart of the Father, and the Lordship of Christ. –(Acts 2:17,Hag. 2:6-9,Zech. 10:1,Hos. 6:1-3, Joel 2:12-29)

First and foremost I was giving a vision of America, as a dry land, I then seen fire come down of Heaven, this was fire as judgment upon the works of darkness, then I see fire beginning to arise in certain areas in America, then joining to each other and then covering all America with revival. These beginning places for the coming revival in America are Grand Forks North Dakota, Omaha Nebraska, and Kansas City Missouri, Southern United States, Los Angeles California, and Maine to Virginia. Then I see all these revivals connecting and the covering all of America, and then going to the nations and cities around the world. –(2 Chron. 7:14)

In addition, The Lord gives me visions and revelation of revival around the world, first the church will become fill of revival, and then revival will overflow unto cities and nations around the world, first revival will come to the church, then second it will come to the world, this is the restoration of the glory of the Lord first in the church, the church shall become full of revival, and then overflow unto the cities and nations around the world, and then they shall become full of glory, this is the restoration of the glory of the Lord, that will come through the five elements of the glory of the Lord, which are the elements of the Holy Spirit. Each of these will come in a major revival, and then go to rest of the world and join to each other and covering the whole church and the whole earth with revival. –(Isa. 10:27, Matt. 3:11-12, Acts 2:2, Jn. 7:37-38, Acts 2:13)

Moreover, The Restoration of the Oil of the Holy Spirit will begin in India; this is the revival of oil. The restoration of the fire of the Holy Spirit will begin in America; this is the revival of fire. The restoration of the Wind of the Holy Spirit will begin in Australia; this is the revival of wind. The restoration of water of the Holy Spirit will begin in France; this is the revival of water. The restoration of Wine of the Holy Spirit will begin in South America; this is the revival of wine. –(Rev. 21:24, 22:2)

Besides, The revival of oil will manifest in healings, miracles, signs, wonders and raising the dead. The revival of fire will manifest in massive repentance. The revival of wind will manifest in nation taking movements. The revival of water will manifest in a great awaking. The revival of wine will manifest in great and massive deliverances. –(1 Jn. 3:8,1 Cor. 12:7,Isa. 64:1-5,Isa. 55:1-3)

Apart from that, I have seen other visions of revival; I believe revival will come to every city, every nation, and every place. There will be visitation revivals most are seasonal, some are lasting, and some are massive revivals. We will never be without a revival, and there will never be a time between revivals without revival, for revivals will always come. Habitational revivals are resting revivals, and they are lasting revivals, and some are massive revivals. There are corporate revivals that will come to cities, regions, nations, and globally, then there is personal revival that will come to you and me. –(Ezek. 47:1-12)

Notwithstanding, reformation and massive reformation will come first, and there will be reformation and revival at the same time, reformation will lay the foundations for revivals, and lasting revivals, then there is social transformation that will come to cities and nations around the world, reformation is for the church and social transformation is for cities and nations, the world. Social transformation is revival and reformation coming to the world. Revivals will come both to the church, first revival comes to the church, and then revival will come to the world. –(2 Pet. 1:2-12, Eph. 2:19-22)

On the contrary, the revival of revivals, the great revival of all revivals will begin in Israel, then from their cover the whole Middle East, and then cover the whole earth! –(Zech. 12:10,Rom. 10:1)

Nevertheless, there is an eternal revival that will come, this revival is eternal, and will come at the physical returned of Christ. I believe before His return the whole church will be filled with revival, and the whole world will be filled with revival, and the life of a Christian is a life of revival, and the life of the church is a life of revival, and we will never again be without revival. –(Ex. 33:12-23, Ezek. 48:35)

Furthermore, I believe in revival, I believe in massive revival, I believe in visitation revival, I believe in lasting revivals, I believe in habitational revivals, and I believe in corporate revivals and personal revival, I believe in the revival life, and this is the will of the Lord. –(Heb. 11:1)

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