Friday, July 18, 2008

The Seer and The Prophet

The Seer and The Prophet

Elvis Iverson

The hearing ear and the Seeing Eye are both from the Lord, they’re some prophets who are blessed with the hearing ear and then there are prophets who are blessed with the Seeing Eye, then there are some prophets blessed with both the hearing ear and the Seeing Eye. –(Prov. 20:12)

The seer is a prophet, the seer is a part of the ministry of the prophet, is the one who moves more in the grace and anointing of the seeing eye, most prophets move more in the hearing ear.

Abraham is a seer prophet; he is a seer, Joseph is a seer prophet; he is a seer, Samuel is a seer prophet; he is called a seer, Ezekiel is a seer prophet; he is a seer, Daniel is a seer prophet; he is seer, Zechariah is a seer prophet; he is a seer, Habakkuk is a seer prophet; he is a seer, John was an apostle and a prophet, is a seer prophet; he is a seer. Paul is an apostle, teacher and a prophet, he is also a seer prophet; he is a seer. –(1 Sam. 9, 10, 2 Cor. 12:1, 1 Sam. 9:9, 2 Chron. 33:18, 35:18, 2 Sam. 24:11, Amos 7:12, Isa. 29:10)

Apostles and prophets are foundational, revelational, impartational, reformational, revivalism ministry to the church, which is the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ. Apostles and prophets are also called friends of the Bridegroom; our Lord Jesus Christ is the Bridegroom of the Bride, the church. Both apostles and prophets are revelational ministry to the church, revelation meaning Word revelation; apostles and prophets teach and preach more in revelation then any other minister in the church. Revelation is a key, there is Word Revelation and there is prophetic revelation, we all can have both without being prophets or seers, prophetic revelation are both prophecy and visions from the Holy Spirit. –(Eph. 2:20, 3:5)

There are nine gifts of the Spirit, there are more then just nine spiritual gifts, however, the gifts of the Spirit are the gift that manifest. Six out of the nine Gifts of the Spirit, six of them are prophetic, three of them move more with visions, and the other three more with words. We are as believers are to believe for the gift of prophecy; all believers are to prophecy and have the gift of prophecy. –(1 Cor. 12:7-11, 14:1,3,39, 22, 26-33)

The language of the Holy Spirit is prophecy, visions and dreams, if you don’t believe in them, if you don’t believe that God speaks today, maybe He will not talk to you. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit that begin in Acts 2 is already upon us, with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit comes prophecy, visions, and dreams, this is upon all believers. This means believers can have visions and dreams too. –(Acts 2:17-18)

Every believer is to learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, every believer is to learn to be led by the Holy Spirit, if you don’t believe that Lord speaks today, and then maybe He will not speak to you? God’s will for every believer is to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in his or her own life and to be led by the Holy Spirit. –(Jn. 10:27, Rom. 8:14, Jn. 16:13-15)

The Holy Spirit has rivers flowing out of our hearts, some believer may only have one river flowing out, He gives each believer at least one river from Him, there are names of the Holy Spirit throughout the Bible, these are rivers of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Prophecy, when the Spirit of prophecy comes upon a gathering of believers in unity, vision and faith, He will come through a river of prophecy, that make most or all prophesy. –(Rev. 19:10, Jn. 7:38, Gen. 26)

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation; the will of the Lord is for river of the Spirit of Wisdom and the river of the Spirit of revelation to flow in all believers lives. The Spirit of Wisdom is seeing or hearing in the future and have wisdom today to reach into the future and follow the steps leading to the will of the Lord in the future. The Spirit of Revelation is Word Revelation and Prophetic Revelation, is prophecy and revelation for today; both the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation move both in visions and words. –(Eph. 1:17-18)

Prophecy is ether forth telling or fore telling, a prophet can see now or in the future. For someone to be a prophet they must have the gift of the Prophet, and ether two revelational gifts of the Spirit, and one of the utterance gifts, or the other way around. A prophet does not just prophesy or see vision, they bring a message with ether preaching or teaching. Prophets first grow in the prophetic grace and anointing, and become season; they must have recognition from the church, and affirmation from seasonal apostles and prophets. You may have the gift of the prophet but have not yet the full release of the office of a prophet, in time and growth the fullness of your prophetic office will come. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Eph. 4:11)

A seer moves in more visions and dreams more then other kinds of prophets. They will flow in a river of visions and dreams that will not end. They live a life of seeing visions and dream dreams. They wait before the Lord in prayer and worship, sometimes for hours and even days, and then the Lord speaks in visions to them. Some mislead people think that we are only to have a few visions, and that more visions is wrong and not of God, that is an evil spirit of religion working in them. However, the Seers are called to minister in a river of visions, to have many visions and many dreams. –(Hab. 2:1-4)

How to begin flowing in the seer anointing:

1. Waiting and patience before the Lord.
2. Renewing your Mind.
3. Praying and praying through, a prayerful life.
4. Praying in the Spirit for long periods of time.
5. Flowing in the peace of the Lord.
6. Worshiping long periods of time.
7. Seeing by faith and hope.
8. Don’t limit yourself to old mindsets, be humble.
9. We can see by the Blood of Christ.
10. Pray for an outpouring of prophecy, visions, and dreams.
11. Thank the Lord for the visions He gives you.
12. Write them down; be prayerful, pray and wait for insight and understanding, and interpretation.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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Anonymous Anonymous said...; You saved my day again.

February 16, 2010 12:05 PM  

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