Friday, June 12, 2009

The Throne Room, House of Wine, and the City of God

The Throne Room, House of Wine, and the City of God

Elvis Iverson
May 10, 2009

In a vision I am in the very Throne Room of God, I see great Light shining forth from the Throne of Mercy, I hear the Voice of the Father saying I will speak to my children throughout the church around the world, they will all be healed, restore, and flow in all blessings, and the rivers of my love.

I see our Lord Jesus Christ, He says I am seated next to my Father, come now and be seated next to me, come into fellowship of the Divine, I will show you many things that you do not know, you will understand my will.

I see seven lamps of burning Fire, I hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit saying come now into my outpourings.

I see a vision of the great gatherings in the Throne Room. Where the Father will speak, where Christ will speak, and where the Holy Spirit will speak.

The first gathering is a four-year meeting, for these gatherings are meetings of the Divine and love of God.

The second gathering is a ten-year meeting.

The Third Gathering is a 40 years meeting.

The forth gathering is a meeting throughout the year.

The fifth gathering is a seven-day meeting.

The sixth gathering is a meeting one-day a week.

The seventh gathering is a meeting every day.

Now I see a vision of a house of Wine:

In this house I see many angels, and I see many rivers of the Spirit, I see more wine, and there is no end to wine.

The first angel comes to me, and shows me a big room; this is the wine of revelations.

A second angel comes to me, showing another big room, this is wine of prophetic.

A third angel comes to me, showing me another big room, wines of experiences.

A fourth angel shows me another big room, wines of revivals.

A fifth angel shows me another big room, wines of the Presence of God.

A sixth angel shows me another big room, wines of holy intoxication.

A seventh angel shows me another big room, Wines of fellowship.

An eighth angel shows me another big room, Wines of healing, and restoration.

A ninth angel shows me another big room, wines of blessings.

Then I see a vision of more rooms of wines; there was much and many that I could not count them all.

Then I seen another room wine of seasons, in this room, I seen wine of generation, wine of hour, wine of year, and wine of decade.

Then I seen another room, wines of movements.

Now see another room, called New Wines.

Now I see vision of the City of God:

I see this city called the city of God, built upon the top of the Kingdom of God, as the Kingdom increase so does the city.

I see a gathering center, where apostles, prophets, teachers will minister every day, and I see prayer, worship, and prophetic flow 24/7 days a week.

I see rivers of the Spirit flow from this gathering to the church of the city, throughout the city, and to flow to the church around the world, and all cities and all nations.

I see churches of the one church throughout the city, in there meetings I see apostles, prophets, teachers minister, from these meetings I see rivers of the Spirit flow throughout the whole fellowship and flow throughout all of the city.

I see in each of these fellowships I see many home meetings, I see believers meeting there every week, praying and ministering to one another.

I see from this city comes rivers of kings, these are the kings of the Kingdom of God.

I see the apostles ministering in the center of the city. I see the prophets ministering at gates of the city, I see at the gathering center apostles, prophets, teachers ministering to the whole church. At the gates of this center gathering I see apostles ministering. Then I see outdoor places throughout this city, I see teachers ministering.

I see the river of the Spirit flow to the nations.

I see many rivers of the Spirit flow to the nations.

I see great rivers of the Spirit flow to the nations.

I see many great rivers of the Spirit flow to the nations.

I see huge rivers of the Spirit flow to the Nations.

I see many huge rivers of the Spirit flow to the nations.

I see massive rivers of the Spirit flow to the nations.

I see many massive rivers of the Spirit flow to the nations.

I see floods of the Spirit cover the nations.

I see many floods of the Sprit cover the nations.

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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