Sunday, December 27, 2009

Come to Waters of Healing

Come to Waters of Healing

Elvis Iverson
December 27, 2009

In a vision I see campgrounds next to a huge lake, then an angel stood before me saying this is a spiritual place in the hearts of all believers around the earth however, there has only been a few to visit this place, this place is a dwelling place for God’s people, not a place to come and visit, God wants us to live here. You can live in both worlds, but soon this world will be birth into your world, and forever live among you believers of Christ.

Now I see many coming from all over the earth come to enter into the waters of healing. I hear a voice saying come now and be healed, come now and be merry, come now and see the goodness of the Lord. I see many coming, I see huge numbers coming; and they are being made whole, restored, and filled with the overflowing of the Spirit. Then I hear a voice saying now bring in the lost that they might be healed and touch by the Almighty. Then I see many believers from all over the earth bring many unbelievers to the lake of healing. I see many healing as they step into these healing waters.

Now I see many gathering in the campgrounds, I could see new wine meetings all over the earth. I see many lost come to these meetings. Now I see the rain of holiness begin to rain upon these meetings, this water feels like hot fire coming down from the sky, but it is sure holy rain. I see all over the world the rain of holiness pour down, and some places I see floods of holiness rain.

Now I see an angel who comes to us saying this is the time of the clouds, this is the time for rain, this is the time for all to pass under the Rod of Christ.

The Baptism of oil all must pass through!

The Baptism of fire all must pass through!

The Baptism of water all must pass through!

The Baptism of wine all must pass through!

The Baptism of oil is signs and wonders, The Lord will bring great clouds of signs and wonders, there will be greater signs and wonders in our time, and this outpouring will be worldwide. This will come within three years, and last ten years.

The Outpourings of signs and wonders will always be upon us, among us, and through us. We will never again be without signs and wonders. Signs and wonders are a witness that our Lord Jesus Christ is real!

The Outpouring of Fire will come upon city-to-city, nation-to-nation. This will be like wild fire of the Holy Spirit, this fire will come in you, upon you, among you, and through you. This will last 40 years, and the manifestation of fire will always be with us, and we will never be without holy fire, and holy fire will always increase.

The outpouring of water will come upon whole nations, many will awake to Christ and His Word, first this will happen in the Church, then among those in the world. The Outpouring of water will last for 100 years, and we will never be without the awakening water of the Spirit, and the water will always increase.

The Outpouring of wine will flow like many rivers in the church around the world; many will be drunk with the Holy Spirit, overflowing with the joy of the Lord and the peace of God, and the Love of Christ, Mass numbers in the Church will be overflowing in visions, dreams, and prophecy, great numbers will be set free from demons and mass deliverance, mass freedom will come to many cities and many nations. This outpouring will last 50 years, we will never be without this wine, and this wine will always increase.

Now I see meetings of new wine, awakening water, holy fire, and supernatural oil all over the earth, from city to city, from nations to nation, and all over the Body of Christ. Then an angel said this is only the beginning, all these prophetic words about reformation, revival, social transformation, and harvest will come to pass.

Copyright © 2009 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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