Apostolic Kings Arise
Elvis Iverson
December 16, 2010
I see many come to a holy house of wine to seat at the feet of holy apostles. I see the seated apostles could see that in each of these believers was a king at heart. I see as they teach, and give wisdom, and meat of the Word. The kings begin to come forth, no longer were they only kings at heart, and they were true kings of Christ. I see the church apostles and workplace apostles become one in vision, and connection was build from the church to the marketplace, and rivers of wealth came in from all over the earth. I see a vision of seven kings who are successful leaving the workplace for the service the house of wine in making money work for them. I see within the house of wine a network of marketplace believers, and workplace kings.
I see five kings that came from nothing become billionaires within five years with the wealth creation anointing then give 73 percent of their income to the house of wine every month. They were making billions every year.
I see a company of believers rise up in the wealth creation anointing; these were 500 believers all become millionaires within two years.
Then I see a vision for ten kings that become billionaires within as few years, giving most of their income to the work of the Lord.
I see a vision of 1000 believers rise up with the wealth creation anointing becoming millionaires within a few years.
Now I see a great number flowing in the wealth creation anointing, and I see many believers in all areas of the workplace walk forth in the kingly anointing. I see many leaders of society rise and give glory among us in the house of wine.
I see rivers of great wreath flow into the work of the Lord; I see extreme rivers of wealth flowing in the work of the Lord every month. I then see millions and billions coming into the ministry every month.
I see healing of the city, the healing of land in the city full of light. I see the wealth creation anointing, the kingly anointing, healing wealth anointing, freedom of wealth anointing, go to the nations around the world. Then I see an angel say this is only the beginning for the Lord will bless the hands of all believers with wealth creation anointing.
Copyright © 2010 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, Marketplace Church, prophecy, Supplication International Ministries, vision
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