1 Corinthians 14:26 Church in your House
Elvis Iverson
The Church in the Home is rising throughout the church around the world; the church in the home is the apostolic church that Christ will begin to raise up, then after that is the city church. –(Acts 2:40-47)
We have already pass into the new day of church life, the life of the church will be revival, and the Lord will raise up the church in the home, we have enter into the restoration of the church in the home. –(Matt. 10:5-15)
What is the application of the church in the home, and how is the flow during the meetings? The church meets in the home for church, and the church meets in a center for equipping. The application of the church in your house is based in 1 Cor. 14:26.
Here is an example of the church in your house meeting: believers gather together in homes, first the begin to eat together, fellowship together, build relationships with one another, then they begin to sing songs, and pray for one another, then they share with one another, then they teach one another, then they prophecy to one another, and minister to one another, and care for one another, the one another ministry, and then there is a sermon. –(Acts 2:40-47)
Let us look into 1 Cor. 14:26: We come together, first believers are to come together to meet together, the church in your house, then they sing psalms to one another, then they give teaching to one another, then they pray for one another, and prophecy to one another, and each one can have revelation in the Word for one another, and this is all done in edification.
Is there a pastor; the church in your house is the place for the ministry of the pastor, and even the evangelist. But the pastor is not to run the service, instead to flow with the continuity of the one another ministry, he is there for pastoral care, pastoral love, and to coordinate, host the meeting, and some times give a sermon. The evangelist come and fellowships, and flows in the continuity of the church in the home, he connects to a church in the home, and begins to harvests souls into a church in the home, and then aids in discipleship of newborn believers, and then some times gives a sermon. –(Rom. 16:3-16)
The Church in your house is to be the place for application of spiritual gifts and the gifts of the Spirit. The Lord wants to begin Obed-Edom revival to every church in homes. –(2 Sam. 6)
A network of homes churches the Lord is rising up, networks of homes churches, many networks of churches, a network of home churches is a congregation, the Lord is raising up new apostolic congregations all over the earth, they are each a network of churches in the homes, with each having a center, the 1 Cor. 12:28 center.
The Lord is rising up the church in the home; the Lord is rising up the New Apostolic Congregation, the Lord is rising up New Apostolic Networks, and the Lord is rising up the New Apostolic City Church, and the City Church. –(LK. 5:36-39)
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Labels: Elvis Iverson, home church, new apostolic congregation, new apostolic home church, new apostolic wineskins, Supplication International Ministries
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