Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Internet Prophecies 2014

Internet Prophecies 2014 Elvis Iverson www.elvisiverson.com No One Reports. July 22, 2014 I see a vision of a city in America, I see signs and wonders begin to flow, I see angels rain from Heaven, I see many drunk in the Spirit, I see many coming to the Lord, I see new churches birth, I see the training of the Five Fold, again I see signs and wonders flowing, and then I look again I see in many cities and see the flowing of signs and wonders, but at the same time no one reports of what is going on, and years pass, and more flowing of signs and wonders, then I look again I see cities around the world, and see more flowing of signs and wonders, but no one reports. www.elvisiverson.com Cry for mercy. July 23, 2014 I see a few cry for mercy and revival in southern India, I see for generations many have prayed for revival in southern India, then I see a cloud begin forming over Southern India, and I see the rain of the Spirit begin to fall upon Southern India. Then I see many churches begin to arise and I see many coming to the Lord, then if you walk down a street in southern India you will see many saying I am a believer in Christ. Then I hear a voice say in southern India the gospel of radical grace and the new apostolic church shall be establish with signs and wonders, and the gifts of the Spirit and the acts of the apostles. www.elvisiverson.com Rain in the heart. July 24, 2014 I see many in the Philippines praying for revival, then I see in many hearts the rain of the Spirit, then I look and see flood of the Spirit in their hearts, and begin to see many angels ministering around the Philippines and I see many signs and wonders, I see the ministry of apostles and prophets with signs and wonders, I see new churches arise in the grace of the apostles, I see many churches obey the leading of the Holy Spirit, now I see many rivers of souls coming into the church, many will come to the Lord, and many will continue to come to the Lord. www.elvisiverson.com Many places of heart. July 26, 2014 I see many places in the Philippines, I see many people praying in many places, I see a cloud of glory coming from the Throne Room upon the nation of the Philippines, I see the rain of the Spirit and revival for many years, I see an army of believers arise and sweep the nations with the gospel of grace and the power of God, I see throughout the Philippines the healing of the land, I see the gathering of apostolic leaders and hear the word this is just the beginning. www.elvisiverson.com Hard ground good ground. July 28, 2014 I see in the spiritual hard grounds of American, I see a few wells of the Spirit built, I see signs and wonders and the gifts of the Spirit and unusual miracles begin to happen and these happenings come in a few areas for years, then we see ground water begin to come upon the land in certain others areas and many begin to run to it both save and unsaved for many years to come. www.elvisiverson.com The Light of Christ. July 29, 2014 I see the southern states in America, I see the light of Christ covers these states and I hear many good reports and many coming to Christ, then I look and see east and west coast and I see the glory of God cover them, and I see many souls coming to Christ. www.elvisiverson.com Opening the follow Ground. July 30, 2014 I see vision of hard hearts, hard heads, hard grounds then I see the Holy Spirit raining in the hearts of many, and I look and I see in many hard grounds in India the rain of the Spirit, and I see new churches birth, new apostolic wineskins, I see many healings and many miracles happening in many places, I see many people say is Jesus God, For He lives among us, and I see many come to the Lord. www.elvisiverson.com Cloud over India. July 31, 2014 I see a vision of India, I look and I see a cloud coming to cover the nation of India, someone says can this happen, is God this good to us, is He a God of mercy, is He a God of love, then I see massive numbers coming to Christ, and hear these words build the house of the Lord, the church in India will change in a short time, massive numbers will come to the Lord, an outpouring of signs and wonders is coming. www.elvisiverson.com God will favor. August 3, 2014 I see a vision of great waters coming toward the Philippines, I see these waters coming from all directions, I see the children playing near the coasts and rejoicing in the Lord, I look at these coming waters I see many angels and signs and wonders, and revivals coming. Now I see servants who have the hearing ear come and be baptized in the Waters of the Spirit. www.elvisiverson.com Many places one Spirit. August 4, 2014 I see across the Philippines angels coming down from the Third Heaven, and I see revival fires in the north, in the south and in other places, I see in one place many healings, I see another place many harvested, I see in another place great love, I see in another place many praying, I see another place many signs and wonders, and I see all over many coming to Christ. www.elvisiverson.com The Great Cloud. August 5, 2014 I see in the Spirit a great cloud coming from the Throne Room in the Third Heaven upon America, I see the apostles and the prophets meet the Lord in the cloud, the fellowship of the cloud is formed. I begin to see the rain of the Spirit begin to fall upon the grounds of America this went on for many years, and many rejoice, and many came to Christ, then there were rivers of the Spirit flowing throughout America, and then there was floods of the Spirit throughout America and great numbers came to Christ in many places for many years to come, but houses they will come to came out of the book of Acts and this was the beginning of the great revivals. www.elvisiverson.com Many Revivals. August 5, 2014 In a vision I see a pillar of fire come from the Throne Room in the Third Heaven, and from this one pillar many pillars came from, and then I see a pillar of cloud come down from the Throne Room in the Third Heaven, and I see from this pillar of cloud came many clouds, then I see a river of the Spirit flowing from the Throne of God and from this river came many rivers, and I see a tree grow up it was supernatural tree that grow over night and from this tree came many seeds that grow into more trees, I see a seed of faith that grow over night and from this plant came many seeds and from them came many plants, this will happen in the near future of America. www.elvisiverson.com Oil of India. August 6, 2014 I see a vision of the Throne Room in the Third Heaven, I see before God the Father and God the Son the nation of India, then the Holy Spirit comes greatly upon the nation of India and I see India soaked with the oil of the Holy Spirit, I see an outpouring of signs and wonders, outpouring of revivals, outpouring of new wineskins, outpouring of angelic hosts, and I see great number, and I see great numbers upon great numbers won to Christ for many years, I see regions soaked with the Oil and Wine and Glory of God. www.elvisiverson.com Great Number. August 7, 2014 I see a vision of India in the North, I see great numbers upon great numbers coming to Christ, I look and I see the east and I see great numbers upon great numbers coming to Christ, and I look again and I see in the west great numbers upon great numbers, and I look in the center and I see great numbers upon great numbers, and I look into the south and I see great numbers upon great numbers, and everywhere I look I see great numbers upon great numbers coming to Christ in India. www.elvisiverson.com Philippines of Hope. August 11, 2014 I see the future of the Philippines and I see revival in the north, revival in the south, revival on every island, I see above an outpouring of angelic hosts and signs and wonders and revival and this outpouring went on for years, and I see great number, I see massive numbers, I see waves of souls coming to Christ and I see social transformation in the government and society, and in many cities, and I see great joy in many cities. www.elvisiverson.com Creation of Great Revival. August 12, 2014 I see in the Philippines I see a faithful group praying day and night, I see a prophet come and say revival is coming, I see a pillar of fire before them day and night, I see the creation of great revival, from the church in the Philippines shall come a creation of great revival, this shall be birth there and shall by faith come forth in other nations, many shall come from around the world saying this is a great revival, there shall be no leader of this revival, and a few places shall even be bless with Terra Nova a revival that remain in a region. www.elvisiverson.com Worldwide view. August 13, 2014 I see across the global an angel flying with a seed bag around the world planting many seeds of grace in the hearts of many, I see billion no I see more then a billion, I see a few billion souls, and I see an angel flying with a seed bag around the world planting in the hearts of many believers seeds of the apostolic, and I see a cloud hovering over most of the earth, I see many pillars of fire and pillars of cloud come upon the earth, the pillars of clouds came upon the church, and the pillars of fire came upon the world, and hear a loud sound and then I see divine changes all over the world, I see massive harvests of souls every day, every week, every month, and every year. I see revival here and there, revival upon revival, revival overtaking revival, and I see more revivals. www.elvisiverson.com Everywhere I look. August 14, 2014 I see a company of apostles and I see a company of prophets arise and be established, they cannot be moved their roots grow deep into the church and the earth, and from them came many winds, many clouds, many fires, many rivers of the Spirit. I see outpouring of soaking prayer, outpouring of prophecy, visions, dreams, outpouring of deep prophetic, outpouring of angelic hosts, outpouring of soaking presence, outpouring of revivals, outpouring of signs and wonders, outpouring of harvests and I see this in many nations and many cities, and I see great companies arise and be establish and that can’t be moved, and I see a strong drink pour out upon the whole church. www.elvisiverson.com Drink of Nations. August 15, 2014 I see in many nations and in many cities and I see the body of Christ drink the strong drink of the Holy Spirit, I see many drunk in the Spirit for years, and I see the soaking presence, soaking revival, signs and wonders following, and many great numbers coming to the Lord, and I see many churches fall apart and I see many new wineskins come forth, and I see no one is worry or have care, that so into the Lord they don’t care, but from their hearts come great love for many, and many have restoration and many have revival, and I see many angels walk among them, and many can see them, and I see many signs and wonders, and I see drunk apostles and drunk prophets ministers day and night for many years. www.elvisiverson.com Rainbow of Joy. August 16, 2014 I see a vision of a rainbow over the whole earth, and I see many healings all over the earth, I see mass healing meetings in many places in many nation and this was common, I see many miracles, working of miracles happen to great numbers every day in many nations, I see many unusual miracles and many signs and wonders, and many signs and many wonders and many unusual signs and many unusual wonders happening to the masses of peoples in many nations. I see the gifts of the Spirit pour out in a greatest manifestations upon the church and I see the bless gifts of God pour out in a great flood upon the church, I see many have visions, open visions and access the deep prophetic in the church in many nations. www.elvisiverson.com Feast of many revivals. August 17, 2014 I see a vision of an great cloud that comes from the Throne Room, and from this cloud came a great outpouring, and from that outpouring came many outpourings and from those outpourings came many outpourings, I see a vision of a city and this city will have revival for many years, and I see a nation and this nation will have revival for many years, and I see many houses of God and they shall have revival for many years, and I see many great numbers in Christ who shall have none stop revival, and I see revivals coming to many nations, I see many revivals, and I see a great gathering in the great cloud and I hear a voice say this is the feast of many revivals. www.elvisiverson.com Copyright © 2014 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved


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