Monday, September 04, 2006

The Path of Revival

The Path of Revival

Elvis Iverson
The Path of Revival Part One
September 2, 2006

This is a new time, the beginning of the outpourings of the Spirit. This is a new time of the Holy Spirit, this is a new age of the Holy Spirit, we have come to the day that the Holy Spirit will pour out many moves of God, there will be a move of God there, and there will be move of God here, the moves of God will overtake each other, we will never be without a move of God. In this time there will not just be a few moves of God instead many, the unity of these movements will be the Throne Room in the Third Heaven.

First and foremost, we have come to the beginning of a reformation of all things in the church; this is the reformation of the whole church, Christianity, and Christendom. This the beginning of end of many groups in the church around the world, this is the beginning of the end of all denominations, this is the beginning of the end of religion of Christianity and the beginning of the end of Christendom however, this is the beginning of many groups with Christ’s oneness among them, this is the beginning of a networking across the church around the world, this is the beginning of the raise of the apostolic church, and this is the beginning of the growth of the city church. This reformation is the third reformation of the church. In this generation of reformation the foundation will be laid for the end time church. The reformation will lay a foundation for lasting revivals and the resting glory of the Lord.

I see a vision of angels flying to all parts of the church around the world. These angels have fire covering them, and around them, and fire flowing off from them, and a ground of fire is always below them, there is fire burning with them, they are made of fire and fire burns throughout there bodies, and you see inside of them, you can see the fire in them, these angels of fire and of reformation, these are the angels of reformation.

There are reformers that about to be birth in the church, yes there are reformers who are already carry their reformation anointing, those ones prepare the way. Reformation will come in like a lamb, then become like a lion and then become like a horse. The reformation has already begun, we are in lamb of reformation, and soon we will enter into the lion of reformation.

The Apostolic Church will arise and fill the whole church around the world. The apostolic church is filled with the fires of reformation and from them; the fires of reformation will fall upon the whole church. The apostolic church will bring the church into unity, and give birth to the mature city church.

Personal reformation must come to every person in the church. We are to pray for personal reformation, a reformation of heart and of mind.

Revivals will come to all nations and all cities around the world. There are many revivals coming. These are visitation revivals, habitation revivals, and some of them are massive revivals. There is some that are lasting revival that will never end. There will be revival resting upon the church that will not end, there will be revival in every nation that will not end, and there will be revival upon the world that will not end. Some revivals will come and go, and some revivals will rest, and some revivals will add to the church, and some are lasting revivals and the habitation revivals.

I see angels of revival cloth in fire and glory, these angels don’t all rank the same and some are stronger, and some are not. They have names; some are called visitation revival, some are called massive revival, some are called resting revival, some are called habitation revival, some are called lasting revival, and some are called glory.

Every believer is to have personal revival, the Lord will restore the revival life to the church, the way of the church will be revival, the Christian life will be revival, and the church will never be without revival.

There are outpourings that come upon every believer; an outpouring of prayer, an outpouring of revelation, an outpouring of prophecy, visions, and dreams, an outpouring of workplace prosperity, and an outpouring of signs and the gifts of the Spirit.

A restoration of signs and wonders and the power of God are beginning to come to the church, a restoration of the signs of an apostle is coming to the apostles, and a restoration of the Gospel of power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit is beginning to come to the church.

Reformation, revivals and social transformation are coming! Social transformation will come too many cities around the world and even to nations. The city church will begun to move forth, the body of Christ will grow more into city, regional, and nations, from the city church, to the regional church, then to the national church and the global church.

City church apostle will arise, and lead the churches within a city into apostolic unity, and establish city church networks, and establish city church centers. Along with this there will be establish 24/7 prayer, worship and prophetic watch within a city.

Global workplace army will arise in every city, and nation around the world, there are many banners in this army of the Lord. Cities will change and nations will be changed through the hands of believers in the workplace.

The bridge of wealth is be raised up and built between the church and the marketplace, to bring a continuing wealth, finances and resources into the church, and from the church will flow back to the marketplace; blessings, favor, mercy, and peace. The transfer of wealth is almost upon us, the wealth will flow through the hands of workplace apostles and be lay at the feet of the apostles.

The Lord will build the church, and the Lord will build Israel. He will flow wealth into Israel and the Church. The church and Israel will be partners in the grace of wealth from the Throne Room. Revival will come to Israel, the nation of Israel will be filled with revival; there will come an oneness and partnership between the church and Israel.

The Lord will heal the nations through revival. He will restore and fill the church with glory; the church will become a glorious church, and He will restore the glory of the Lord in the world, the earth will be filled with glory. The Wind, Water, Fire, Oil and Wine of the Holy Spirit will be restored, these will come through five major revivals that each of them will begin in five areas around the world through the church then to the nations, and then connect to each other and fill the earth.

Copyright © 2006 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved


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