Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Ministry of Milk and Meat

The Ministry of Milk and Meat

Elvis Iverson

The Holy Spirit is speaking to the congregations in all cities in all nations about the ministry of the Word, which is the Ministry of Milk and Meat, and which is the ministry to the lambs and sheep. –(Eph. 5:25-27, Acts 6:2,4)

In many congregations we hear only milk teaching, there is spiritual hunger for meat. Milk is for babes and children; meat is for the young and fathers. Milk is for growing in Christ and learning how to live as a Christian, meat is for ministry, warfare, and the overcoming life. I had a dream once that I see people seated at a table, with only meat, I was the person who was giving them the meat, and that the Lord has called me to the ministry of the meat of the Word. –(1 Cor. 3:1-2, Heb. 5:12-14, 1 Pet. 2:2, 1 Jn. 2:12-14)

There are times we are to minister milk to the congregation, and there are times we are to minister meat to the congregation. Their need to be a balance diet in your congregation, and with both milk and meat there need to be an application, and environment for the application; the application of the Holy Scriptures is one of the ways to social transformation. Along with the application of the Word, there needs to be an application of the Holy Spirit, power, and manifestation, which means we are to teach the power of God too. –(Jam. 1:21-27, 2:14-26)

You are to feed the lambs first with the milk of the Word, then give them a little meat, and you are to feed the sheep with more meat and then give them some milk beside, we are to give them the drink of the Spirit to both lamb and sheep. –(Jn. 21:15-19)

Babes are to be disciple, when a person comes to know Christ they are to go through discipleship. Then children are to be train up in the milk of the Word. Young warriors are to be mentored into their gifts and calling. We are to minister more meat to the young warriors. Meat is for the warrior in Christ. Young warriors are to become skillful in meat, and then the mature believer is giving the most sold food. –(Matt. 28:19-20, Col. 2:6-10)

We are to feed the Word to the church in milk and meat, and we are kept both lamps and sheep fed. Then there are times that we must minister the Word to equip the saints in the application of the Word and the application of the Spirit in power. –(Eph. 4:12)

It is time for our congregations to be sound and healthy in the Word, in the lifestyle, in the order, and in the Spirit. We need a team of elders, more then just one minister ministering in the congregation. We need the five grace government gifts ministering in order, vision, and Spirit being lead by a senior elder who is an apostle, above all under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. –(Tit. 2:1)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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