Holy Spirit Transportation
Elvis Iverson
The day is coming when apostles and prophets will anoint and be giving grace to travel to nations around the world through the transportation of the Holy Spirit. Evangelists and missionary teams will travel by the Holy Spirit to nations around the world. Many believers will be brought into this anointing and manifestation in the Holy Spirit, and any believer in Christ can supernatural jump travel by the Holy Spirit to any nations and city around the world. –(Prov. 29:18)
Enoch, Elijah, and Philip travel supernatural by the Holy Spirit. These three are the foundation to the manifestation of supernatural jump travel by the Holy Spirit. It is an anointing and it is a grace giving to certain believers to travel supernatural by the Holy Spirit, this is traveling with your whole being. This can happen when this anointing is giving to a person, this can happen if by the will of the Holy Spirit, meaning there is some who could travel at will for the purpose of missionary work, and there are some who can travel by the act and will of the Holy Spirit. –(Gen. 5:23-24, Heb. 11:5, 2 Kings 2, Acts 8:39-40)
This anointing and grace will be giving at first to a few, it will be teach and impart into others, and others will learn to have faith in this anointing and grace, then from a few to the many, and apart from that, there will be a manifestation upon more then many that will happen, which this will happen as an act of the Holy Spirit. –(1 Cor. 1:7, Rom. 1:11)
In addition, supernatural jump travel will be experience by a team, and they can even take with them tools and Bibles to other nations through the Holy Spirit. –(Matt. 18:18-20)
The Bible says there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and this has been happening since the beginning of the Church, along with this outpouring there will be prophecy, visions and dreams coming upon all believers. Supernatural jump travel can happen through seeing a vision, which opens a door from one place to another place around the world, this means your whole being will step from one place to the next. –(Acts 2:17-18)
The revelation gifts such as the Word of Knowledge can open a door of the supernatural so that you can step from one place to the next place. The World of Knowledge could go along with the Gift of Faith. –(1 Cor. 12:7,11,8,9)
Why supernatural jump travel? Reasons for supernatural jump travel are missionary work, witness, and ministering signs and wonders in other nations around the world. –(MK. 16:15-18)
The faith levels of the church will increase and mature that supernatural jump travel will only need sample faith to transport from one nation to a nation around the world. The key of supernatural jump travel is about to be release to the church. –(Heb. 11:5,1,6, Matt. 17:20, LK. 17:1-6, Matt. 16:19)
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Labels: Elvis Iverson, signs and wonders, Supplication International Ministry
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