Sunday, February 18, 2007

Reconstruction of the Church part three

Reconstruction of the Church part three

Elvis Iverson

Reformation, restoration, revival, repentance, reconciliation, regeneration, and redemption are all words meaning return, and to restore what was, however what the Holy Spirit is doing He is restoring the Church truly, and He is building the church to be even more greater then in the Book of Acts. –(Matt. 16:18)

Nevertheless, it is reformation, restoration to what God the Father sees, what Jesus Christ the Son of God, which is our Lord sees, and what the Holy Spirit sees, and their vision and plan for the church, so it is restoration, so it is reformation. –(Ex 25:9)

In this holy reformation there is coming revolution between God’s vision for the church and man’s vision for the church, between the old and the new, between the nature of man church and the supernatural church. This will be a revolution of grace, love, patience, and truth. This revolution is only apart in the process and progress of this holy reformation, which is the third reformation of the church. The follow chapter will be a reconstruction of the Church. –(Heb. 9:10)

Unfortunately, today’s church we only have the one-person man, is not the one new man ministry, instead this is the one rulership ministry of human wisdom. This begun through the deeds of Diotrephes, this is one of the elements of the apostasy church. There is no place in congregation environment where the senior leader was a pastor. Pastors are cell home leaders, they are not first in the order of church government. Pastors are apart of the ministry of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. The congregation is lead by a team of elders with a leading elder leading them. This leading elder is an apostle. Pastoral epistles is not Pastoral Epistles instead they are Apostolic Epistles. Timothy and Titus are apostles not pastors. –(1 Thess. 2:6-11)

We must create environment in our congregations for the multi ministry, body ministry, spiritual gifts, prophetic ministry, and the supernatural. We can see this revelation in First Corinthians 12, 13, 14. We are to create this environment through teaching the Holy Scriptures, Word revelation, and prophetic revelation. The congregation must be environment for the supernatural, mentoring, fathering, rising, activation and maturating of spiritual gifts. The congregation must be environment for freedom, liberty, revival, supernatural, manifestation of the Holy Spirit and order; this order is laid down through revelation. –(1 Cor. 12, 13, 14)

Believers are called to be priests, the church is the priesthood of the Kingdom of God, and the saints are to be equipped for the work of the ministry. Every believer has a ministry; every believer has a spiritual gift, every believer has a function and a place in the congregation and the Body of Christ. –(Eph. 4:12, 1 Pet. 2:5, 9)

After a believer have been through discipleship, they are to be equipped and raised up in their spiritual gifts, they are to be place with others with same spiritual gifting in order to learn from one another, and they to be place with those who are more mature in the same gifting in order to mentor them. –(1 Jn. 2:12-14)

Apart from that, the apostles are to rise up the king for the Kingdom, every believer is called to be a king, every believer is called to the work of the Kingdom, and we need prophets to impart into the lives of the kings of the Kingdom of Christ. –(Rev. 1:6, 5:10, Acts 6:1-8)

The five ministries of Christ are to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, and apostles are rising up kings to change the world in the workplace and the marketplace. –(Eph. 4:11-12, Acts 6:1-8)

In the congregation we must raise up those with gifts of healing, working of miracles for the local congregational healing ministry, we are to rise up those anointed in deliverance for the local congregational deliverance ministry. We are to rise up intercessors for the local congregational prayer ministry, we are to raise up those anointed for evangelism for the local congregational evangelism ministry, etc. –(1 Pet. 4:7-11)

In additional, we are to train and mentor those called into the five ministries of grace, and we are train and rise up home cell leaders, etc. –(Matt. 4:19)

Some congregations may not have every kind of ministry, this could be an opportunity to lean on other congregations within your city, Christ is calling us to be one another congregations working and leaning on one another in Christ. One may be blessed with a healing ministry and the other with a deliverance ministry; one will lean on other congregation for healing ministry and the other will lean on another congregation for deliverance, etc. –(Phil. 2:1-11)

As we move to the next transition for the city church, some ministries will be place to minister at the city level, and for the service of the city church. Congregations will rise up ministries to minister and serve the city church and city. –(Gal. 5:13-14)

All believers should be equipped to pray, witness, cast out demons and heal the sick, and flow in prophecy, visions and dreams. –(MK. 16:17-18)

Moreover, there are those who will rise up in prophetic gifts and the gift of the prophet, they will be for the local congregational prophetic ministry. Season prophets, mature prophets and prophetic elders will lead and supervises the local congregational prophetic ministry and oversee the prophetic and supernatural manifestation of the whole congregation, and during corporate services. –(1 Cor. 14:26-33)

Apart from that, the city church will have a prophetic ministry, and there will be city church prophets that will minister at city church level. –(1 Cor. 12:4-6)

In addition, the local congregation leadership is first a team of elders, these are not only season ministers, instead they are mature ministers, and this team of elders is lead by an apostle. There could be more then two apostles serving with the team of elders and following the senior leader, the set apostle. The order among the elders is first apostles, second prophets, and the third teachers, and then others will follow. There is unity and openness among the elders. Within the congregation there may be other apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors. –(1 Cor. 12:28, Acts 13:1)

Above all the Holy Spirit wants the congregation to move into body ministry instead of a one-person rule ministry. Body ministry is a congregation becoming multi-ministry in the corporate anointing. –(Psa 133)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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