Friday, February 16, 2007

Biblical Restoration

Biblical Restoration

Elvis Iverson

Sound Character is a major qualification for church leaders. Those church leaders who walk in sound character are most likely to walk in sound doctrine; both are needed for a sound and healthy church. It says that leaders will have a stricter judgment then others. This is why leaders must be accountable and be responsible for there actions. –(Jam. 3:1)

This is why we need outside accountability with mature apostles, and oversight accountability to mature apostles. Spiritual leaders need a safely net to heal, restore, and hold them up through sufferings, setbacks, and even when they made an error or make mistake. We cannot throw away spiritual sons, spiritual daughter, follow ministers, and those who have been in covenant networking relationship for years. –(Eph. 5:21)

How the mighty have fallen, and the weapons of war perished! The Holy Spirit raises and trains those anointed servants, they take years of Holy Spirit dealing, time and more time, and then they make a mistake and we give up on them. The righteous steps are order by the Lord though they fall, they will not be utterly cast down for the LORD upholds them with His hand. For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again. The Lord is doing a work in each on of us; this work takes a lifetime. We must know and believe that He has a plan for us; a future and we can have hope. –(2 Sam. 1:21, Psa. 37:23-24, Prov. 24:16)

We need to remember the labor of faith and love that these spiritual leaders have done, even the Lord remembers there ministry unto Him, however it seem we forget what kind of servants the Lord has blessed us when they fall into sin. Preachers are people too; they are not prefect, just forgiven. Here they help, lead, guide, pray us through our hard times, and when they error we forget the good that they have done. –(Jud. 16:28, Heb. 6:10)

Think of the sins that the Lord have forgiven you, and those that He has set you free, think of the times when those spiritual leaders help you with your problems, however when they do wrong we forget and go about sharing their errors with everyone we meet and adding to them, even telling lies. At the same time we must know that same spiritual leaders have never, never wrote a book on our wrongdoing. –(Matt. 5:7)

You who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; when spiritual leaders fall into sin, or become ensnare in sin, they need to have proper correction, and proper restoration. We like to correct them, however we don’t like to restore them, and that is not biblical. The Holy Spirit will use apostles and prophets to minister, correct and restore fallen ministers. –(Gal. 6:1)

Correction must be giving with grace and love, each case may be different, but all cases aim toward the goal of restoration and hope. Fallen ministers have to willingly submit to apostolic and prophetic counseling and ministering in order to be restored. –(Matt. 5:5)

There needs to be freedom, liberty and grace giving to the fallen minister as they go through healing and restoration process. Unfortunately at the same there is willingness, there is hard terms lay down before the fallen minister that they will have to willingly submit in order to be restored to their place in ministry. –(Jam. 5:19-20)

The Bible is filled with restoration, not only the Lord wants to bring restoration, He wants double restoration. Each fallen minister must surrender to the Divine Process of restoration, and to the Lord’s life teachings. –(Heb. 12:5-11)

Apostles and Prophets are to minister restoration to the fallen minister, their families, and their ministry. In these days the Holy Spirit is rising up restoration centers to restore the fallen. –(Acts 3:19-21)

There is more spiritual warfare and trials that come against spiritual leaders then most people, therefore we should show mercy, love and understanding when a spiritual leader makes a mistake or errors in their ways. –(2 Tim. 2:1-6)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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