Reconstruction of the Church part one
Elvis Iverson
We have already enter into the time of reformation when the church will be reconstructed to the Word of God, Nature of Christ, Order of God, the Will of God, and of the ways of the Holy Spirit. This reformation is the third reformation; this is a reformation of all things in the church. –(Heb. 9:10)
The first reconstruction of the church will be the reconstruction to relationship; for most of the history of the church has been without relationship, we have be building outside of relationship, and our fellowships are not base on relationship, and therefore we have been in a famine of relationship and love for some time, this has open the door for certain things to enter the church. –(1 Jn. 1:1-10)
We must build the walls and the gates, the walls are called salvation and the gates are called praise. Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords over His Kingdom and He is the Head and Chief Apostle over the whole church and all apostles, prophets and leaders. He is building two houses; one is the Kingdom of God, the other is the Church. The foundation of the Church is the Apostles and Prophets, and Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone. The Church is build upon the Kingdom of God; the Church is a city build at the top of the Kingdom of God. The foundation of the Kingdom of God is the Rock of Christ, the Rock of Christ grow into a great mountain, which is called the Kingdom of God. We must know the purpose of the Church and the purpose of the Kingdom; the Church is the priesthood of the Kingdom of God, we are at the beginning of end of restoration of the priesthood and the priest, now we are entering into the beginning of the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom. This is why we have enter into this reformation, and God will use apostles in this holy reformation, and He will use apostles is rising up the kings of His Kingdom. The next steps are the equipping of the saints and then the step of rising of the kings of the Kingdom. –(Rev. 1:5-6, 5:10, 1 Pet. 2:5,9)
We lead people to Christ; then we lead them away from Christ! Living for Christ is ongoing relationship with Him; through our so-called Churchianity we have been leading them away. We must establish young believers in their relationship with Christ and their relationship with one another. First and foremost the church must be build on relationship and then revelation. Relationship is living in the love of Christ and loving one another, then relationship is the doorway for revelation to flow in our lives; revelation is truth and Grace. –(Matt. 22:37-39, Deut. 6:5, Jn. 13:34-35, Gal. 5:14)
When a believer comes to know Christ they are a babe, as they grow they become children, and then young men, and from their they become fathers, or you can say mature believers. Milk is for babes and children. We are feed the lamps, and then we are to feed the sleep with the meat of the Word. The meat of the Word is for young men and fathers or you can say mature believers. –(Heb. 5:12-14)
When a person comes to know Christ they need to be discipleship; which is the teaching of the elementary principles of Christ and reaching a point when a person can stand on their two own feet as a believer in Christ. Today we have many who cannot stand on their two own feet. How can they stand after all they have done if we do not first establish them in the elementary principles of faith? –(Matt. 28:19-20)
A congregation is the network of home cells. Home cells are the place where we build relationship. After babes in Christ pass through the door of discipleship, then they need to enter into a fellowship of believers in a home cell. A home cell is the place where there is relationship, ministry of the gifts of the Spirit, caring for one another, eating together, and praying for one another. –(Acts 2:42, 46)
This is why home cell leaders must be train, they must work in a team, and every thing in a congregation must be done in teams. Home Cell leaders carry the function of pastors to the congregation, and leadership is raised up among the home cell leaders. The need for a pastor changes; babes and children need a pastor to feed and care for them more, however young men and mature believers don’t need a pastor like babes and children do, instead they need a pastor for fellowship, prayer, and encouragement. Children are equipped, young men are mentor and father. After one goes through discipleship they are to be equipped for the work of the ministry. The saints are to do the work of the ministry the five-fold ministry is to equip the saints, apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church, the first and second in church government, and the apostles, prophets and teachers are to minister in work of the government of the church. –(Eph. 4:11-12, 1 Cor. 12:28)
The Home Cells are for relationship, fellowship, prayer, encouragement, and accountability. The congregation is for corporate worship, vision, equipping, and apostolic and prophetic ministry. Apostles, prophets and teachers minister within the whole of the congregation. An apostle is the senior elder of a congregation, along with other apostles, prophets, and teachers. The leadership of the whole congregation is mature ministers, which are called elders. A congregation is when home cells come together for corporate ministry. –(1 Cor. 12:28)
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: apostles, christians, Elvis Iverson, reformation
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