Saturday, February 03, 2007

Apostolic Purity, Purifying the Prophetic, and the coming Rivers of Fire

Apostolic Purity, Purifying the Prophetic, and the coming Rivers of Fire

Elvis Iverson
February 3, 2007

Angelic hosts are flying across our lands to many cities around the world. There is a change in the spiritual realm and the natural realm. The angels are ascending and descend in greater numbers over our cities, the number of angels in change over us are increasing, the angels are chasing the spiritual enemies, they are persecuting them, angels are fighting in the heavens against principalities, angels are go before us and making the crooked places straight, angels are coming before us to prosper our way, angels are ministering unto us, angels will minister to us at night, angels will meet us as we walk in our destinies and purposes, angels are going forth to aid us in reaching the lost, the angelic hosts are fighting for and defending the church, and the angelic hosts are smiting demons that have come against us.

A vision of the Throne Room, a vision of the Throne of the LORD it is like a fiery flame in heaven, in our mist, and in each one of us, and from the Throne of fiery flame comes rivers of fire that flowing through all parts and places of the church, around the world. The fires of the Lord is going before us, burning up our enemies, the Holy Spirit is releasing the fires of the Lord to burn up the works of darkness, let the fire of the Lord burn in your eyes, heart, belly, month, and feet, the fires of the Lord are burning up the idols around the world. The works of witchcraft, leviathan, Jezebel, familiar spirits, spirits of divination, ungodly covenants, satanic and demonic conspiracies, demonic confederacies, curses, oppressions, demonic princes, powers of darkness, spirit birds, lions, serpents, flies, animalistic spirits, demonic horsemen, queen spirits, spirits of destruction, evil caldrons and pots, spirits of the desert, and valley.

The Fires of the Lord are melting mountains, mountains of life, financial mountains, evil mountains, mountains of Esau, mountains of debt, the destroying mountains, and the fires of the Lord are burning at the gates of cities all over the world, at the gates of churches all over the world, and at the door of our hearts.

Rivers of fire of flowing throughout the church, every group, every company, every network, every ministry, and every member; the fires of reformation will burn day and night, will burn in season and out of season, and beyond seasons, will burn from generation to generation until the works of the Lord are made pure, made in His Likeness, and then these fires will burn in our hearts to keep us in the will of the Lord in all future generations of church. The church will never be without the fires of reformation, and fires of revival will flow freely throughout the church unhindered.

Fire River of Apostolic Purity is flowing to all apostles in the church around the world. The Lord will visit every apostle with the fire river of apostolic purity. All apostles will have to cross through this fire of apostolic purity.

Fiery River of Prophetic Purity is flowing with the speed of heaven to the hearts of prophets, and prophetic people. The house of the prophets will burn with holy fire. This fire will break forth a world wide prophetic outpouring upon the Body of Christ.

The Holy Spirit is speaking an outpouring of prayer, an outpouring of revelation, an outpouring of prophetic, and an outpouring of signs and wonders is coming worldwide movements of the Spirit upon the whole church.

Every one wants the spirit and power of Elijah however, first must come the spirit and breaking power of Micaiah. In this time in the prophetic flow we are entering into the season of Micaiah, which will bring the release of the spirit and power of Elijah upon the whole church, upon all believers who have a heart to receive.

At the beginning foundation of a great prophetic anointing that will flow upon the hearts of every prophet, and every heart that cry upon the Lord. The prophetic anointing of Isaiah will come upon prophets who are called into the footsteps of the ministry of Isaiah; these prophets will minister on international level. The next is the ministry of Jeremiah; these prophets will minister reformation to the church, the next is the ministry of Ezekiel; these prophets will minister in visions and supernatural prophetic manifestations that are of extreme nature, the next is the ministry of Daniel; these prophets will minister in the workplace, marketplaces and in government. These are the major prophetic anointing that will arise in coming days.

The apostolic movements have just begun. Extreme signs, wonders, great power and great grace; the apostles will flow in, we have not seen nothing yet. The ministry of Peter will come; these apostles will minister foundation, church government, release marketplace ministry, equip the believers for ministry, bridges, and win massive numbers to Christ. The next is the ministry of Barnabas; these apostles will minister in fathering, mentoring, and restoration of ministry, and bring great many people to the Lord, the next is the ministry of Paul; these apostles will minister in signs and wonders, revelation, missionary works, church planting, networking, and establishing networks, the next is the ministry of James; these apostles will minister in networking the apostles, and church leaders, gathers and meetings, and unity, the next is the ministry of John; these apostles minister in love, prophetic, revelation, overcoming anointing, and unity.

The apostolic rivers and the Prophetic rivers will come together and become one, they will birth the next level of city church, and 24/7 prayer, worship and prophetic watch, and habitational revival.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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