Saturday, February 03, 2007

A New for Hope for India

A New for Hope for India

Elvis Iverson

The Holy Spirit is planting seeds in the hearts of believers all over the nation of India; seeds of revival, seeds of reformation, seeds of Social Transformation. The hearts of many believers are changing in India praying with revelation, prophetic insight, hope, faith, and vision for India. The Lord is bring together and networking those that have vision for revival, reformation and Social Transformation for India; to pray, to fast, and to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to India and the church of India, and to hear teaching with anointing and grace to aid them in the vision for India.

There will be a revival of raising the dead in India, the Oil of the Holy Spirit will be restore in the Body of Christ beginning in India and then go to the rest of church and join with the fire, wine, water, and wind of the Holy Spirit; which these are the glory of the Lord filling the earth.

This outpouring of raising the dead will also be an outpouring of signs, gifts of the Spirit and the power of God. Signs and wonders will filled the Church of India and the nation of India for the glory of Christ.

A mighty business and workplace army of believers will arise and through prayer, vision, and action their government and cities will change. The Lord hears the prayers for divine change to come to India.

There will come revival among the first class that will change the whole nation and government. There will be a great reconciliation between the first class and the poor class. The churches will be filled with both rich and poor together.

The apostolic Church will arise in the cities and villages of India, new churches will be birth throughout India. New apostolic churches will arise in many cities and among the villages. The next level of city church will arise in the cities of India.

The church in India and the nation of India will progress; the plans of the Lord are progressive in India through the hearts of believers who have this vision of hope for India and their love ones.

The Church in India and the nation of India will be touch and change. Visionary Eschatology is a biblical view of the end times, this means that their hope and vision for India.

The church will become a glorious church, a mature church, a greater church then the book of Acts, and an united church; this mean the church of India will too be one of glory, victory, overcoming, powerful, and unity.

The Kingdom of God is increasing and filling the whole earth, and the kingdoms of this world shall become the Kingdoms of Christ. Therefore the Kingdom of God will arise in the cities and villages of India through the hearts of believers in India that believe that God can change their world.

The Holy Spirit has giving certain prophetic words about India, the Holy Spirit has lead us to believe that these changes are coming. It is through the works of patience and faith that we will see the changes that we want, even in our generation.

We must renew our mind, change our mindsets, change our views about India, and about the future of India. We must repent of lies and wrong mindsets of any kind that goes against the Holy Scriptures. We must have a Kingdom mindset, prosperity mindset, visionary mindset, prophetic mindset, hopeful mindset, prayerful mindset, and a biblical mindset.

We must repent of church division, speaking against one another, pride, hated, strife, unbelief, selfish ambition, envy, religious sins, and sins against the Holy Spirit.

We must repent of hearing false prophets, misleading prophets, and wrong teaching, and lies. We must see a new hope for India, and those these hope was and are the plan of Christ for India.

Father we pray birth this new hope in the hearts of all believers in India. Renew their minds, heal them from all things, and give restoration and breakthrough. Plant the seeds of revival, reformation, and social transformation. Bring revival to every believer in India; bring reformation to every believer in India. We pray for personal revival, and personal reformation to come to every believer in India. Give them ears to hear the prophets, and the apostles, give them ears to hear the Holy Spirit speaking to India.

We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Note: for more information visit India Revival

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