Monday, December 25, 2006

From Unity Comes The City Church

From Unity Comes The City Church

Elvis Iverson

The Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about unity since 1997 and in 1999 I begun a online global ministry and fellowship called City Church International, and begin to teach about unity in the church, then the day came when the Holy Spirit give me revelation about the City Church.

In Ephesians 4:13-15 reveals that the church will come into unity before the Church is ready to receive Christ in His return. This unity is a restoration of the city church that once was in
beginning. Yes the church in acts was not a perfect or a mature church; they did have principles that the church needs today in order to become the church in the future and the church full of glory and the end time church. They did have the apostles and prophets, gifts of the Spirit, city church, the power of the Holy Spirit, a team of elders, and the believer's ministry, etc. The city Church in the future will be more mature and more prefect City Church. The perfect church is the city church.

The foundations of the city church is the apostles and prophets, we need apostles and prophets to be the foundation of the city church today. The city church is a habitation of God in the Spirit. The city church is a home for habitation revival and the resting glory of God. -(Eph. 2:19-22)

The Holy Spirit speaks unto the ears of the city church, instead of a local church. We must hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking unto the city church more then speaking unto our own local churches. -(Eph. 2:29)

Jesus said that He would build His church; this church that He is talking about is the city church. The City Church is the house that the Lord will build, and city church is his house not mans house. -(Matt. 16:18)

Unless the Lord builds the house, our labor will be in vain, unless the Lord guards the city, our watchmen stay awake in vain. We must have His vision for the city church, His vision for our city, we need to partner with Him, and follow His lead in building His house, which is the city church. -(Psa 127:1)

Apostles and believers went planting not local churches; instead they planted city churches in each city. Today we have to see the vision of the city church, the vision of our city church and then begin to build the city church in our city.

We are to pray for unity in the Body of Christ in the city, this unity will open the doors for the anointing to come upon the city church of our city, and this anointing will release rivers and rains of blessings upon our city church. -(Psa. 133)

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