Restoration of the City Church
Elvis Iverson
What is coming before end of this restoration of all things to the church and this holy and great reformation of the church is the restoration of the city church. The City Church will become he main heart of every city in the world. The local church or group of churches will not be equal to the coming city church. The city church is greater and bigger then any one apostle or one local church. It is bigger then any one movements. It is many moves of the Spirit at one time within many local churches throughout the Body of Christ in every nation on earth to bring forth the city church.
All wineskins that do not connected to one another will be cleanses from the body of Christ. There will no longer be putting new wine into old wine skins, there will no longer be putting a piece of new garment on an old one. There will only be apostolic networks, local churches, city church networks, and the city church.
In the first days of the church, the first apostolic age and the first reformation of the church there were only city churches and regional churches. The names of city churches were; the church of Antioch, the church of Caesarea, the church of Cenchrea, the church of Corinth, the church of Ephesus, the church of Jerusalem, the church of Laodicea, the church of Pergamum, the church of Philadelphia, the church of Sardis, the church of Smyrna, the church of Thessalonica, and the church of Thyatira. The churches of regions were; the church of Asia, the church of Cilicia, the church of the Gentiles, and the church of Galatia.
On the contrary, the church in the beginning was not a mature church. One thing they did have was true apostolic authority, signs, wonders and the city church. We are living in the days of beginning of the maturating of the church. We must move on from acts church to a glorious church.
Will the local church be no more? I believe that the local church will remain an importation part of the body of Christ for a time. Will apostolic networks be no more? I believe that they will serve a greater purpose and for right now they are to carry out the role of networking the church together. There are three main networks came forth. On is a vertical networks; the other is a horizontal networks and the last which is like this second one only based with a city, the city church network. There can be more then one city church network within a giving city.
However, as the city church matures and the regional church matures the apostolic networks will come to an end. Their purpose is only to fulfill the action of networking the church together. Those networks that don’t obey the call of networking the body together will be cut off from the church. The networks that obey this call will be added to the church. Local churches will to come to an end and be added to the church too.
The Apostolic Church is to reform to whole church into apostolic church and mature the city church and regional church. Once when they are mature the apostolic church will give birth to the kingdom church. The kingdom church is city churches and regional churches throughout the world.
The unity of the faith cannot be mature or come to its fullness without the city church. Therefore through this great reformation of the church every thing that is not of His order, will, word, or nature will be burn up. In addition, those things that are of His order, will, word and nature will be put through the fire in order to become pure and bear more fruit. The churches and groups that remain will have Christ oneness among them. There will not be one group instead many groups in Christ. The unity of the Spirit will come, the unity of the Godhead will come, the unity of the faith will come and be fulfilled; from that day forth this unity will mature and the city churches, and regional churches will mature and come more into authority.
The Apostolic Church will birth the kingdom church. The Kingdom Church will prepare the world for the second coming of Christ. The kingdom church is made up of city churches and regional churches through the world.
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