Friday, November 10, 2006

Theology of The Kingdom

Theology of The Kingdom

Elvis Iverson

The Theology of the Kingdom of God comes from the Four Gospels, the Life and teachings of Jesus Christ is not only the foundation of the church, instead it is more the foundation of the Kingdom of God. Yes you can find the Kingdom in other parts of the New Testament and the Bible however; the Kingdom of God is most focus in the Four Gospels.

Jesus Christ preach the gospel of the Kingdom, wherever He went He preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and not only that there was many, many, many and always the power, signs, wonders and healing. These were always common in His ministry. It should also be common in every minister and every believer’s life. Jesus did not only preach the Kingdom, He command the Apostles to do likewise.

What are the reasons why we don’t see the power of God that we should, for the power of God should be common to every believer in the Body of Christ: 1. Understanding the Kingdom of God, 2. True Apostolic Government in the Church, 3. The work of the ministry belongs to the believers, 4. Understanding the Body of Christ, 5. The City Church.

In the Epistles of Paul comes the Theology of the Church, however the Theology of the Kingdom comes from the Four Gospels. We have entered into a restoration of Kingdom Theology, which will prepare the way for the Kingdom Church to be birth from the Apostolic Church. The Kingdom Church will prepare the way for the return of Christ. Christ will not come back unless we first prepare the way. The day will come when we will go from the apostolic to the Kingdom, for the Apostolic will birth the Kingdom. In the beginning it was the Kingdom that birth the Apostolic and the Church. It is time for us to return to our roots, which is in the Kingdom of God.

Jesus Christ was never a religion leader and the Church was never a religion. It is men mislead and demons that have mislead us in our faith. Our faith is a Kingdom Faith, is a Faith in the Kingdom of God and Above all our King. Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, and Lord of lords, and the Church is the priesthood of the Kingdom, and we are the citizens of the Kingdom of God.

Let us now look into the Four Gospel to see the Kingdom of God and to begin to understand the Kingdom of God. In Matthew 5:1-12 is talking about how we can walk in the kingdom of God on earth. The beatitudes are the code of honor for the citizens of the Kingdom. Now in Matthew 13 we see the Parables to give understanding how the Kingdom of God works in us. Beyond this we see other parables giving understanding of the Kingdom in Matthew 20:1-16, 22:1-14,25:1-46.

In addition, here are some elementary principles of the Kingdom of God.

1. The Kingdom of God is at hand. (See Matt.4: 17)

Here we see that Kingdom of God is at hand to move in your life, the only thing you need to do is turn to the King of that Kingdom. This mean the Kingdom of God is ready to touch you and change you.

2. “But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the Kingdom of God has come upon you. (Matt. 12:28)

This shows us that the Holy Spirit works and promotes the Kingdom of God through power over demon spirits. When we are being set free the Kingdom of God is coming upon our lives. Deliverance is a work of Kingdom upon you. Where the Holy Spirit is the Kingdom of God is there.

3. “You are not far from the Kingdom of God” (See MK. 12:34)

This is to say that Kingdom of God can be found it is not far from us in our times of need. That we can call upon the Lord and walk in the power and blessings of the Kingdom of God.

4. “The Kingdom of God has come near you” (LK 10:9,11)

This is kind of the same as the last one we talk about, only that it the Kingdom of God has come near you. Where there is signs and wonders around you the Kingdom of God has come near you. So the Kingdom of God is not far from you, and it is near you. We need to witness of the Kingdom of God around us.

5. For indeed, the Kingdom of God is within you. (LK. 17:21)

Since the Holy Spirit is in you the Kingdom of God is in you. Since the Holy Spirit is in you, you can access the Kingdom of God. Wherever you go the Kingdom of God will be there.

6. Your Kingdom come, your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. (Matt. 6:10)

This shows us that through pray we can establish the Kingdom of God on Earth.

7. But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things shall be added to you. (See Matt. 6:33)

We are to pray and seek God first, His Kingdom, and His righteousness. The Lord has a better way of doing things. When we have a mind for the Kingdom of God in our lives we will be most blessed.

8. The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. (Matt. 11:12)

This is show that it will not always be easy in establishing the Kingdom of God in our lives, cities, nations, etc. However, we are on the winning team. We must have patience, faith, and be violent in spiritual warfare.

9. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven, and what ever you loose on earth will be losses in Heaven. (See Matt. 16:19)

We have been binding and losing for some time without a Kingdom mindset, or understanding of the Kingdom. The Lord gives us keys of the Kingdom to use to open up doors.

10. Come you are blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom of God prepared for you from the foundation of the World. (Matt. 25:34)

The Kingdom of God we shall inherit, it is gift from the Father to you. We can walk in this inheritance in our lives today. It is not Deliverance, Healing, or prosperity we should be seeking it is the Kingdom of God, for these other things are parts of the Kingdom and when you have the Kingdom of God you have everything. And we do have the Kingdom today in Christ Jesus and through the Holy Spirit in our lives.

11. We must through many tribulations enter the Kingdom of God. (Acts 14:22)

Again we see as seen in Matthew 11:12 in addition we have to go through tribulations, trials, suffering, and tests to enter and walk in Kingdom living and have the kingdom in our lives and to establish the Kingdom in our world.

12. For the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Rom. 14:17)

Wow this is telling us what the Kingdom of God is also telling us what is not the Kingdom. When we have the Kingdom in our lives we have these fruits, etc.

13. For the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power. (1 Cor. 4:20)

The Kingdom of God is manifested in power, demonstration, signs, wonders, healing, deliverance, and miracles.

14. The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!

We have been giving the authority to possess the kingdoms of this world.

15. And He made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth. (Rev. 5:10,1:6)

We are Kings in Christ and we will reign with Him over the kingdoms of this world. We are kings today and we are called to reign in this life with Christ who reigns today as the King of Kings and Lord of lords.

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