Hindering the Coming of Christ
Elvis Iverson
There are many who become a hindrance to the coming of Christ. They have done this through their ignorant and arrogance ways. You may say how could any one stand in the way of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ? I am saying the same thing, but it is happening, and it is not a good place to be standing in the way of the Lord.
The Word says in Acts 3:19-21 that Jesus can’t return to earth until the restoration of the church is competed. You may not believe that? I may not believe this? It does not matter for this is the truth. That is why I can say without any question in my mind that Christ will not return before this Friday or today. There are promises that have to be fulfilled before he can return. Two of them is the one in Acts 3:19-21 and the other in Matthew 24:14 says this gospel of the kingdom will be preached to all nations as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come.
End time Bible Teachers may say others things that may overlook certain prophetic Scriptures that revel that Christ cannot come back if these are not fulfilled. I truly believe that the church in the end times will be a glorious church not a fallen away church.
Prophetic Scriptures that must be fulfilled before the coming of our Lord:
1. The compete restoration of the Church. Acts 3:19-21.
2. The completion of the great commission. Matt. 28:19-20.
3. The gospel of the kingdom preached to all nations. Matt. 24:14.
4. The restoration of Israel to the church. Rom. 11:11-25.
5. The church to become a glorious church. Eph. 5:27.
6. The Unity of the Faith. Eph. 4:13.
7. The replacement of principalities. Psa. 110:1.
Apart from that, what happens to those who stand in the way of his return? If you’re a believer and your standing in the way the Lord; he will give truth, grace and time to repent and change your ways. If you’re in the world the Lord will try to send his witnesses to you in order to change your ways. If ether does not repent the Lord will remove them.
In addition, there those are hindering the restoration of the church such as mislead ministers and believers the Lord will only allow this for a time. If they do not turn from their ways and repent of this evil, the Lord will remove them.
Moreover, if you are standing in the way of apostles, prophets, this coming reformation, etc. the Lord will remove you if you don’t repent. You are hindering the coming of Christ. The judgment of the Lord will come to meet you if you don’t forsake your evil ways.
Furthermore, we as Christians or ministers must do our part in hastening and preparing the way of the Lord, the coming of Christ. Every time you witness, preach, and pray for your city, etc. you are hastening the return of Christ.
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