Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pathway to Humiliation

Pathway to Humiliation

Elvis Iverson

There is a difference between humility and humiliation. Humility is from the Lord, the Lord wants you to be humble, and he resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. Humiliation is from the devil, demons, and man it comes to bring disgrace, embarrassment and shame. —(Jam. 4:6,10,1 Pet. 5:5-6)

Humility comes by two ways ether you humble yourself or the Lord will humble you. Humility is not listed as a fruit of the Spirit; instead self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. Prideful people do not walk in self-control when it comes to their words, actions, and to take a positions from another. Pride is a sin of the heart, an inward sin that makes it hard for you to see this sin and other sins. This sin comes with deception. This is sin is the beginning of sins. Man does not know his own pride. It is a work of the Holy Spirit that we can see our own pride; it is a work of the Holy Spirit that we can learn humility. Pride is an evil desire, and we put to death this evil desire, and we are to put on humility and meekness. –(Matt. 23:11-12)

The meekness of wisdom comes from the wisdom from above, and bitter envy, and self-seeking comes from earthly, sensual and demonic wisdom. So humility is a fruit of the wisdom of God in our lives. –(Jam. 3:13-18)

The Lord desires the sacrifices of a broken and contrite heart, he does not despise these; Humility is a work of the Holy Spirit in your life. Humility is a process every believer must go through. If we humble ourselves he will lift us up. –(Psa. 51:17, Jam. 4:10)

The human flesh is prideful; pride is in our sinful flesh. It is only by the Holy Spirit a person can be humble. We need the Holy Spirit to live a humble life. The power and glory that is coming upon the church and each one of us, it is only the Holy Spirit that can keep a man humble. Humility is a state of mind, is a right mindset. The Holy Spirit has to adjust the temperance in our minds and souls that we don’t take the glory for our self. The glory only belongs to Christ alone. The Lord takes all who are called to greatest in him into a time of temperament changing of mentality in order to endure the power of God in our lives.

However, there is a false humility that is much of the religious church. We think this is humility and that is prideful. You can be prideful with a little or with a lot. You can be prideful with no titles or with many titles. On the other hand you can have titles and a lot of stuff and be in very powerful positions and not be in pride at all.

Nevertheless, God humbles us with the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. This work of humility is a work of grace. Nebuchadnezzar was not a believer, this was not in the New Testament, and he was not born again, he was not a child of God. We need to interpret the Old Testament from the light of the New Testament. –(Dan. 4)

On the contrary, the Lord’s chastening, scourging and rebuking will first be done through anointed people and others that the Lord will place in our lives. Will there be any suffering? Yes there will suffering, instead not unto death, or any sickness. We can’t blame God for everything; instead we need to know what God is doing, so that we can repent. Above all this, we need to turn to God no matter what happens to us. The Lord is always with us and for us. It is Satan, demons, and man you brings ungodly suffering, etc–(Heb. 12:3-11)

Now patents we must be careful in how we raise our children and discipline them; for if we bring humiliation or humiliate them doing our correction. This will bring hurt, angry, and shame, etc. this will bring a backlash of disrespect, we must bring correction with proper respect, if you deal with them as dirt then others will do the same. This also goes for spiritual leaders and spiritual fathers. Above all this, the Lord and your Father in Heaven is better and know to do better. Your Heavenly Father will not humiliate you.

However, The Lord in his divine plan will allow times of humiliation to come. These are trials and tests to try us. If you can pass the test of humiliation then you can do anything. You must know that the Lord is in control of everything. This is why we must turn to the Lord always in all times. No matter what happens to us. Let us never become bitter or angry with the Lord. If we are, this means we lack understanding or we have opened a door to an evil spirit that is making us against our Lord; bitterness, angry, and rebellion and disobedience will only add to the problem, you must surrender to the divine process of the Lord.

Joseph was called by the Lord to save his people, and be a witness to the nations around him. However, Joseph went through a time of humiliation in being sold into slavery, being put into prison, and then being promoted by the Lord. It says until the time that his word came to pass; the word of the Lord tested him. This does mean that humiliation is from the Lord, for it is not. This means that the Word tested him if we would believe the word of the Lord. Joseph first had to go through years of humiliation before the fulfillment of the prophetic word over his life. –(Psa. 105:17-19)

Now above all this is our greatest example of humility and humiliation, which is our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus humbled himself and become obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. His humility was that he allowed them to take his life. The God the Father and Jesus our Lord allowed them to take his life. It is the Lord that gives his life. They could do nothing if the Lord did not allowed them to do so. Humility is not using your authority and power when you can, and when God says allow them to do so. Now the humiliations that came from the devil, demons, and mislead people, this was his time of humiliation that he allowed himself to go through. When he allowed them to hang him the cross, naked this was a great humiliation. We are not greater then he is, we are his servants, disciples and we are to follow his example, follow his step in humility and humiliation. –(Phil. 2:1-11)

Furthermore, humility is a work of grace and the Holly Spirit in our lives, and humiliation is a test that all believers must go through. If you can pass the test of humiliation you can do anything.

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