Sunday, October 08, 2006

A Prophetic Overview

A Prophetic Overview

Elvis Iverson
August 20, 2006

What the Holy Spirit was speaking since 1999 to 2006; He has been saying prepare, prepare, and prepare, this has been a time of preparation.

Prophetic words, and prophetic visions have come forth speaking of things to come, speaking of change, which some are still out of our reach. Much to say of them is speaking what we believe the Lord will do and that which He has giving revelation of what He will do. Which made most of us to enter into a time of waiting and prayer, where we feel content and happy waiting upon the Lord.

Teaching, revelation and ideals have come forth, that are for the planting of seeds of change, seeds of revival, seeds of reformation, seeds of reconstitution of the order of the church, seeds of social transformation. Which much have made us not useful for this modern day church; instead we only want what God has said. Ideals and the renewing of our hearts and minds, we sure have already gone through a reformation of heart and mind.

Those who have heard these ideals, teaching, prophetic words and have not changed their ways will become un-useful in the fulfillment and application of these words and teachings. They will have to wait at the feet of those whom heard and already were reformed in heart and mind for a season or more.

Those who have heard and apply, and become already renewed and reformed will be useful for the Master’s plan in the fulfilling and application of these plans. Although only in parts of teachings, revelation, prophetic was giving, those who believe in these parts that have believed and received will be granted to enjoy the rest.

However, those who don’t believe the teachings, prophesies, revelation, and ideals will only be allowed to partake in the first parts that has been already revealed, those parts that have been hidden will only be enjoyed by those who believe now. Many of those who don’t believe will live their life in those revealed parts and go to their grave without enjoying the other parts.

It is a judgment of faith, do you believe or do you believe not. That is how simple this all is, and this has always been the same throughout the history of the church and throughout the times before them. If you believe, you are judge to eat of the fruits, and if you believe not you are judge not to eat of the fruits. Thank God for His mercy, mercy triumphs over judgment.

If you can hear the Holy Spirit you will overcome, if you can hear the Holy Spirit you will believe. If you harden your heart and ears and refuse to hear and obey you will receive God’s chastening. If you heart has grown cold and you have become lukewarm you will not partake in His fullness to us. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land. Repentance is needed, the goodness and mercy of the Lord leads one to repentance. If you repent, if you humble yourself, you will eat what others have labors for, which you don’t believe for, and spoke against in your unbelief. If you repent and humble yourself, you will eat the fruits that others have believed for.

This time of preparation and prepare, a time of waiting, hearing, receiving from the Lord, a time of prayer, a time of personal reformation is coming to an end, we are at the end of this time. This time has also been a time of shaking, suffering, and sacrifices. This has been a time of testing of hearts. Now we have come to the end, those who have been faithful will receive their full rewards. What will mark the end of this time will be a full restoration in your life.

I speak grace, peace, healing, restoration, soundness, anointing, blessing, strength, revelation, revival, reconciliation, freedom, liberty and rest to the faithful.

There will come a remnant and forerunner group of these teachings, prophecies, visions, insights, and ideals. There will come a company of faith and revelation, there will come a generation of revival and reformation.

Your labors and faithfulness is not in vain in the Lord, He will not forget the work and labor of love; you will be rewarded, blessed, and honored.

Copyright © 2006 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved


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