Friday, September 15, 2006

The Nation of Revival

The Nation of Revival

Elvis Iverson
The Path of Revival Part Three
September 2, 2006

I see a vision of the United States of America in this vision I see the words in big print written upon America from the West Coast to the East Cost. The words are written, “The Revival Nation” American is a nation of revival, that is a major part of her destiny, and yes there are other nations of revival. This is one of the reasons why the Lord established this nation, and this is one of the reasons He has blessed this nation, and this one of the reasons that He protects this nation, and this is one reason why people are angry and have hated toward this nation, and this is why many people from all over the world comes to America, they are the lead by the Holy Spirit.

The Church is America is name the Church of Lasting Revival! This is a major part of the destiny of the Church of America! This is why we must pray and fast for America.

I see in a vision of angels of reformation flying over America. They cast upon the America balls of reformation fire. I see these fires of reformation burning throughout the cities of America. I see one of these angels fly out of the sky landing upon the ground and hit the ground with reformation fire, and from this a great shaking comes to the church of America and America. I see old churches falling apart, I see falling stones from these old building, I see leaders that don’t obey the Spirit, these stones fall upon them, I see those who don’t obey, these stones fall upon them, and throughout this I see churches of fire, revelation, glory, truth, and love arise, increase, and multiply. Then I sense a great since of unity in the heart of believers throughout America.

Now I see a rain of prayer and worship fall upon the hearts of the saints throughout America. They begin to awake to the sound of the Lord, and begun to hear the Holy Spirit. From their eyes come tears of weeping prayer. Then I see the sky above them begin open more, and many angels were poured out upon the saints.

Now I see the Spirit of Repentance begin to fill the streets of America. I see a river of repentance flow throughout the cities of America. I see a great turning toward God.

Now I see these huge revival angels standing at certain places around America. They begin to fan revival with blankets of mercy. I see other angels of revival flying in America. I see the revival centered in certain cities, more then a few, and I then see revival flow like a river of fire covering the land of America. I then see layers of revival fire covering America, layer upon layer of revival.

Then I see an angel of Revival landed before me saying revival is coming, revivals are coming, revival life is coming, lasting revivals is coming, massive revivals are coming, habitational revivals are coming, the resting glory of the Lord is coming to the city church in America.

This angel says these things I speak are truth!

Now I see angels flying out to the church around the world. These are called angels of bear witness. I believe right now these angels are bearing witness with you through the Holy Spirit that is in, for the Holy Spirit is the one who sends these angels of bear witness.

I see a vision of knowledge of revelation and knowledge of glory flows like water, flows like a river around the world into the hearts of believers. The seas of believers will have their hearts filled and touch with knowledge of revelation and knowledge of glory. Knowledge of Revelation, and Knowledge of glory will fill the church and the world.

I see a vision of angels of knowledge of revelation fly throughout the church, and I see angels of knowledge of glory fly throughout the church. I now see one of angels of knowledge of revelation and one the angels of knowledge of glory lay many scrolls before my eyes and these scrolls turn into living waters.

Copyright © 2006 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved


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