Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Pure Life

Pure Life

Elvis Iverson

The Lord is calling us to a pure life. His will is for us to have clean hands and a pure heart. We can live a pure life by the Holy Spirit, through the Blood of Christ, faith in the Word of God and grace from Christ. We need understanding that you can be in a world of sin and evil and still live a true life for Christ. A life of consecration knows the truth and His grace in your life. –(See John 15:3)

A Christian can live a life without evil spirits, without sin this can happen and Christ has made the way for it. We were never made for sin instead for holiness with Christ. Now we are born of the Spirit, redeem and are new creations in Christ Jesus our Lord. –(See 2 Cor. 5:17)

Don’t allow a demon spirit to say that you can’t live without a sin or be free from an evil spirit. The Lord has made a way for you. It is by the Blood of Christ, by faith in the Word of God and by the Holy Spirit in your life. –(1 Jn. 3:8)

However, also you must be humble in mind and know that you can still sin, that you are not perfect. That you are not without sin, and darkness can be in your life just as the light of Christ can also be in you. The work that Christ has begun in you He will fulfill it. –(See 1 Jn. 1:5-10)

On the contrary, you can live a holy life in a world of sin and evil. What is holiness? Holiness is a true relationship with Christ; holiness is having faith in Christ for your sanctification. Holiness is knowing the truth and living the truth by the Spirit and grace. Holiness is by the blood of Christ not any work or deed of man. Holiness is when the Holy Spirit dwells inside of you by your faith in Christ. –(See Eph. 4:24)

In addition, when you give your life to Christ you receive the remission of sins and the Holy Spirit by faith in Christ’s blood, His work at the Cross and his resurrection. Now if you sin and will sin you need only to confess, repent, and ask for forgiveness. The Lord will forgive you for he has already forgiven you. He will lead you out of sin and give you power over that sin that keeps you in bondage. –(See 1 Jn. 1:9)

Moreover, we can live a life of holiness in this world of sin and evil with the Holy Spirit help. I do believe that we can and it is possible to live a holy life in today’s world. It only takes faith, the Holy Spirit and the blood of Christ. –(See 1 Pet. 1:15-16)

Beside, sin is sin on the other hand sin is sin instead each sin brings different troubles upon your life and your children and even those who came after them if you live a life of sin, if you repent you are set free from those troubles. Now sin is sin and homosexual, adultery, fornicators these are not greater then envy, pride, greed, lust, hate, unforgiving, and unloving all sin is sin. However, there is a false conservative mindsets going around in the church standing in judgment over those in certain types of sins such as those that you can see openly. –(See 1 Cor. 6:9-11)

However, the truth is those who are practicing open sins will came to know the Lord more easy then those who are practicing the sins of the heart, such as pride, envy, and greed these people don’t know their in sin, beside they too are practicing the sin of hypocrisy and religious sins. –(See Jn. 8:1-12)

Know the truth, pride is the beginning of all sins. It is the beginning of the sins of Sodom. Man can’t see his own pride. And humbly is a lost fruit of the Spirit that needs to be restored. What we think is humbly is not humbly it is pride. Pride is deceive for it covers your eyes from the real truth and hinders you from loving you follow brothers and sisters. Pride says I never did wrong, I never sin much, and I am a good person. –(See Ezekiel 16:49)

The Holy Spirit has giving us the power to lay aside these sins and grow in the Lord. We are to putt off the old man. We are to put to death the sins in our lives. We are to put of the sins in our life. We are not to let sin reign in our life. We are to reckon ourselves dead to sin. We are not to give our life to the instruments of unrighteousness, instead present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God, this is all by faith that we can be crucified with Christ and live a life with the risen Lord. –(See Rom. 6)

Christ has called us to sanctification and holiness by faith in the Word of God. There is sanctification when you are born of the Spirit, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit. Then there is on-going sanctification we are to possess our minds with patience and present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable, and transformed your mind by renewing your mind with the Word of God. –(See Rom. 12:1-2)

In addition, the elements of sanctification are the Blood of Christ, the Word of God, Faith, and the Holy Spirit. You have faith in the blood of Christ, which is written in the Word of God thus the Holy Spirit comes and sanctify you. –(See 1 Pet. 1:2)

Moreover, you believe in Jesus and His blood. You repent of your sins and invent Christ into your life. Once when you believe and repent you become a born again citizen of the Kingdom of God. You believe that Christ’s blood justified you and you have peace with God. Christ to the Father in Heaven declares you are righteous by the blood of Christ. Therefore the Holy Spirit comes into your life and cleans you from sin and you become a new person in Christ. –(See 2 Cor. 5:21)

Elements of sanctification:
1. The Blood of Christ: Heb. 13:12, 10:10.
2. The Word of God: Jn. 17:17.
3. Faith: 2 Thess. 2:13.
4. The Holy Spirit: Rom. 15:16, 1 Cor. 6:11.

If you believe that your sins are cleanse by the Blood of Christ by having faith in the Blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will come and set you free from your sins. –(See Heb. 9:14)

Apart from that, we are to love and forgive others. When the Holy Spirit came into your life and in you the love of God was pour out in your heart. We are to walk in love; we are to forgive all the time. This is one of the keys in living a godly life in Christ Jesus our Lord. –(See 1 Pet. 1:22)

In addition, the Lord has giving us grace and truth. Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ to us. Grace is not a reason to sin; it is a reason to overcome sin. Grace comes by the Spirit to aid us in overcoming sin and enduring temptation. Truth comes that we will no believe a lie or any lie. The Word of God is the truth. You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. We are growing in grace this is by growing in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. –(See Jn. 1:12,17)

Apart from that, is the ministry of deliverance; you have been giving the authority and power in the name of Jesus to cast demons spirits out of your life and shut those doors so they will not come back. You have the authority from your Lord Jesus to remove the plank from your own eye. Don’t let any demon for even a moment to lie to you that you can’t be set free or it will take years, the Holy Spirit is in your life and He wants you free. This is the will of God your sanctification and now you know how to possess your own vessel in sanctification and honor. –(See Matt. 7:3-5, 1 Thess. 4:3-4)

Furthermore, it is God who has called you to holiness; it is God who called you to be holy. If He called you to be holy and pure then He has giving you grace and the Holy Spirit to aid you in this call. –(See 1 Thess. 4:7)

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