Divine Rejection
Elvis Iverson
Jesus Christ our Lord is our perfect example of divine rejection. The Word says; “Behold I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation. –(Isa. 28:16)” Jesus Christ did this for the Body of Christ and he does this for each move that comes from him. Each true Move of God is adding to the growth and maturity of the body of Christ. There is restoration moves, reformation moves and revival moves all of these are lead from the Throne Room. In each move of God Jesus is a stone for the foundation, a tried stone, a precious stone, and a sure foundation. In 1 Peter 2:6-8 says; “therefore it is also contained in the Scripture, “behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believers on Him will by no means be put to shame.” Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; bit to those who are disobedient, “the stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief cornerstone,” and a stone of stumbling and a Rock of offense.” They stumble, being disobedient to the Word, to which they also were appointed.” Jesus Christ was rejected and today he is still rejected, and through this divine rejection he has become the Chief cornerstone. I believe that each move of God that comes forth will have a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense.
Jesus Christ is leading the way before us from the beginning of the Church and throughout the history of the church. We are not greater then Jesus, if you want to be apart of any move of God you must be rejected. In those times rejoice that you are rejected. If you are rejected for the truth sake then you will be chosen to be apart of the coming great moves of God.
The old wineskins are not bad or evil; the old wines are not bad or evil. However, when the new wines and new wineskins come forth those who partake in the new say the new is better, and the same time through the old ways may not be open, some will be and some will obey. Then some will disobey and call you evil. They will call the new wine evil, and call the new wineskin evil. They will even call you a satan; if we don’t keep moving with God we will die without the life flow of the river of God. Then we will become dead works, and then we will persecute the new works and those that are birth of the Spirit. We are to forgive, love and give them time to obey that do not obey the calling of the new. If they do not obey, and if they call us evil, then the Lord in heaven will deal and judge them according to their words and actions toward the new. –(LK. 5:37-39)
I had a dream last night about the coming moves of God. I could see two classrooms, one, which is to end, and the other, which is to begin. These classrooms means moves of God. One was a class for babes. These was not babes in Christ, instead babes you are of the old and are not open to new. These babes had evil spirits around them trying to attack those who try to teach them the new or give them meat. We must be wise and move on to those who have a hearing ear. They who can hear the new ways we are to teach them, those that don’t hear we are to leave them behind and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to them. May be in time they will come to the new classroom of the Spirit.
The divine rejection is the Lord’s hand promotes us to new ways and new classrooms of the Spirit. In our hearing of the Holy Spirit and standing on the truth and the wine we will be rejected. This will in turn bring much blessing and promoting. Then in turn will birth a new company and new leaders. Let us now see other examples of the divine rejection.
The first example is the Ishmael, and the Isaac. One which old, of dead works, not according to the prophetic anointing and a work of the flesh. The other is of the new, is a new work, is according to the prophetic anointing and is a work of the Spirit. We can see that they will not mix, they will not be friends. They will have unity based on their father and so is it today. However, in their destiny they are apart. In the long run there will be blessings for both.
Then we come to Jacob and Esau, one was before and one came after. Jacob is the new move of God; there is favor and protection upon him. He will overcome all things, and he will overcome the Esau authority. The Lord has release the divine blessings and favor for a new move, and soon the new will be the head and other will have to follow the new. This is how it always been and will be. If Esau will submit to Israel then they will partake in their blessings and favor.
Then we come to Joseph, who is a sign to us today that the new move of God is not just a move, instead a reformation of all things. However the brothers of all past moves, and the body of Christ will reject the Joseph work of the Spirit. Thus the work of Joseph and then they will be great harvest among the nations, thus the brothers and the Body will come to bow their knee and be reformed. If you want the blessing of new you must bow your knee to the new. Every new move of God the old must bow their knee. The Lord is looking for humility from the old if there is pride he will deal with them. However, the Joseph must forgive and receive their brothers and give them provision with vision for them.
We see this in Samuel a type of a new move of God coming forth in the world they have more wisdom, more favor, more anointing, and more authority. The Eli move and their sons will be judge if they don’t repent then they willed be removing to make way for the new. We must reform to the new and receive the leaders of the new.
Now Saul is a type of old moves that will rise up to against the new move. So far we saw the Saul work at work among us. Their works will come to their end and David will come forth by grace not by his own will. However, the Jonathan people in between must make up their mind in which one to partake with. No longer you can partake with both.
Moving forth we see Paul a type of a new move of God. The apostles before him were not obeying their calling. The Lord in his will rise up a new apostle, and so shall the Lord do today. Paul was not very like and only few like him. In the beginning the apostles follow the apostolic doctrine but then they turn to the gospel of circumcision which Christ never teach this teaching. They no longer walk in the apostle’s doctrine. So the Lord raise up a new apostle with a new breed of apostles and apostolic people. Paul try to network and walk with them, he try to get these two moves of God to fellowship on common ground, instead the old move did not obey, and new move did obey. I hope that this does not happen today, and I know that the Lord will not allow this to happen, those who follow this old way will be dealt with. Nothing can stop us now. In those times he allows in order to teach the future generations of the church not to this. Peter is a type of those apostles in old wineskins and Paul is a type of those apostles in new wineskins.
Now again we can see that our perfect example is Christ. The old ways did not receive the John the Baptist or the Jesus move. One move was to prepare the way and the other move is was the reformation move. The Pharisees and Sadducees spirits are religious spirits sent by Satan to attack and kill the John the Baptist and Jesus move of God. These spirits are again moving through mislead servants and Christians to attack. They believe that they are right and are doing the will of the Lord. We must not allow these who attack to fellowship among us, instead to rebuke them and give time to repent. See they come among us to sow the seeds of evil spirits. It is time and we no longer listen, instead pray for them to be cut of. Let us learn from the examples in the Bible about the divine rejection.
Apart from that, with each move of Christ there are new leaders, the leaders of past moves do not listen to new leaders for the reason of pride. If the old leaders would submit to the new move of God then their wisdom would be receive. We have establish the zone of unity, which common ground let us keep coming and meeting together if we disagree, let us just come and love each other. If we are not obeying to truth, let us be open to love and in time we can speak truth with love. We must know there is the zone of unity and then there is the zone of reformation, let us know how to walk in both and how to partake with both. We are in a new day and time let us be meek and humble for we to can makes mistakes, and we make mistakes that we may learn from them and to teach others a more excellent ways.
Furthermore, in 2 Kings 13 tells us a story of a young man of God and old man of God; this story speaks much wisdom for us to apply today. We must obey the Holy Spirit and not the old man of God. If God said this then do that. If the old man of God brings a word that the Lord did not speak to you, yes respect and move on in obeying the Spirit. It is better to obey God today, instead of having old man of God’s favor. In time all things will be clear and all things that are of God’s will, will come together. The end will speak; trust the Lord in what He has said to you today. The Lord will give those who are likeminded who you can give account to, and he will give who those who listen and be apart of your life and ministry both leaders and people, just give it some time, and you will not be alone for long.
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