Kingdom View vs. the Church View
Elvis Iverson
The Holy Spirit is bringing a restoration to the Kingdom view over the Church view, for over years the church view has been imbalance in teaching and faith. Now with the restoration of the Kingdom View the church view will now have a better balance.
We must refocus and review our thinking about the four gospels in the New Testament. For to long we have look through the eyes of those who went to Bible Colleges, etc. etc, and etc. with mindsets and views that are not a kingdom instead a church view.
Most of our teachings and doctrines come from the epistles of Paul. We get most of the church view from the epistles of Paul. Instead, we have forgotten the true kingdom view of the gospels. We must know that the church is apart of the kingdom, is the bride of Christ, is the priesthood of the kingdom, and is the ambassadors of the kingdom.
Jesus Christ is the living Rock that the church is being built upon. Jesus Christ is the main foundation that the church is being built upon. We have forgotten that Jesus Christ is not a religious leader; instead He is the King of Kings. Jesus Christ is a ruler of His kingdom and the earth through his death, buried and resurrection.
Jesus Christ is the King of the Kingdom of God therefore since he is the living foundation of the church. In other words the church foundation is rooted in the kingdom of God.
We need a kingdom view of the four gospels. We need a business view of the gospels, we need a marketplace view of the gospels and a workplace view of the gospels, instead of having some one who never been in business or the work force seeing the gospel through a church view only. It is said that you need the epistles of Paul to understand the four gospels; I believe the other way around you need the four gospels to understand the epistles of Paul. We need the kingdom view looking at the church view to see Christ in our every day life.
Was not Jesus Christ a carpenter, was not Matthew as tax collector, and were not the other apostle’s fishermen? Many have said that Peter left his fishing nets and boats to follow Christ. I think we might have misunderstood this. How can Peter go back and fish and get a lot of fish if he has not kept his nets in good working order. Now beyond this was not Apostle Paul both a Church apostle and a marketplace apostle? See for so long mislead teachers and pastors have used lies to put the workplace down not knowing they were hindering the will of God.
We must preach the gospels so that the common Christian can apply these holy truths in the workplace, in the Monday church not just in a Sunday old mindsets of what church is. It is the kingdom view that has been missing from our faith.
When you look through the Four Gospels you don’t hear Jesus teaching or preaching the gospel of the church, instead the gospel of the kingdom. We only see the church a few times, instead the kingdom we hear throughout the four gospels. Jesus and the early apostles preach and teach with the kingdom view over a church view.
Apart from that, what the Lord has been trying to bring is a restoration in the church of the priesthood and we are coming to the end of this restoration. Now he wants to restore the kings for his kingdom that are in his body. Once when the church becomes the priesthood of the kingdom she will give birth to the future kings that will reign with Christ, today and after He returns.
However, today we are kings and we are priest. We first must learn to be priests in prayer, worship, ministering to the Lord and ministering the Word to one another and the world. Then we must begin to learn to be kings. We are called to be kings. Are destined to be kings, today and in the future. We are to walk in this function in the marketplace, business, and the workplace with the Holy Spirit aiding and leading us.
Moreover, we must learn and apply a modern day application of the kingdom of God in our churches, lives, families, workplaces, and government, etc. so that we can see the power of the kingdom through the Holy Spirit in signs and wonders.
Furthermore, Christ’s kingdom has come definitively through His ascension to the Father; is coming progressively through the increase outpourings of the Holy Spirit; and will come consummately at the glorious climax of history at the Second Coming of Christ.
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