Witchcraft in the Church
Elvis Iverson
The Judge is standing at the door of many churches and the whole Body of Christ. He is not concern with those who practice witchcraft outside of the church, or those witches that try to come in among us to practice their craft against us. The Lord is very angry with those among us who have lived a lie for so long. Those who walk in the work of the flesh which one of them are called witchcraft. Yes witchcraft is a work of the flesh. They commit this sin in ignorant.
Religious spirits work among us in many churches and many Christian groups. Christians who are walking and living a so-called good Christian walk. At the same time feel it is God’s will to stop those anointed by God. They think they know more then others. They think they have certain spiritual gifts and are walking in spiritual pride. They seat in judgment of their brothers and sisters in Christ. They look unto other Christian groups that don’t look like them and speak evil of what is good.
These kinds of religious Christians begin to walk in a Soulish realm in their teachings, in their prophetic words, in their council, in their prayer life. What happens such a people walking in the Soulish realm for too long? They open the doors and live to be partakes of the works of darkness. They become fill of evil spirits. What kind of evil spirits? Witchcraft, divination, lying and religious spirits they begun to work with.
I see to many Christians who pray their wills be done, who pray they council, you pray their opinions and their understanding. This is Soulish prayer, which will open the door to evil spirits to enter into their lives and drink of cup of devils. This is witchcraft, this is prayer craft! You are ether praying against another, praying against those in leadership, praying against those in your trust and praying your council and Soulish prayers toward people.
Apart from that, there are those who walk around speaking gossip and lies about their brothers and sisters. We are to avoid such people. There are those who walk around speaking division among Local Churches and the Body of Christ. We are to mark them and avoid them. If you can’t control your tongue evil spirits will use it for their evil plans. Yes many of you have commit evil plans and have obeyed evil spirits. It is time to repent!
Moreover, there are those who prophesy out of their soul. These are Soulish prophetic words. You dream dreams; you have visions, and prophecy out of your Religious mindset and immaturity. This opens the door for spirits of divination to walk through your prophetic ministry.
Apart from that, there are those who walk among us pulling aside into their own groups arising against those in leadership. You are called a divisive person and we after the first and second admonition remove such people.
Moreover, there are those who come into our churches to change us. They may or may not have more revelation, or more knowledge then you as a pastor. This work of the flesh generates strife and this is a Religious spirit in action. Yes we need to be humble; they’re many around us that can teach us many things. We should always have a hearing ear. God does speak through people many times even if we don’t hear God through them. Then there are those with pride and arrogance with Religious spirits working in them. They will always say I have question for you, when they already know the answered. Don’t answered so many questions appoint a gifted and skillful person to deal with the questionable people.
Apart from that, there are those who want to give you council or go around giving their council. However, there council is of their own mindsets and opinions. Some may use a prophetic anointing and some may act more spiritual then you. Counseling is to be for you not them. Counseling must not be a command only advices if it is not don’t listen.
In addition, they’re those in Leadership some are called Pastors and some are called Apostles who walk in a controlling spirit over their people. Even their teaching give them power to do such things against the flock of Christ. You don’t own the sheep your blood can’t save any soul. It is time to stop using fear to control and use faith to bring freedom. Moreover, they’re those among us that will control the pastors, apostles and those who have oversight of their churches through boards and other means. This is not of God. All of this works of the flesh will open the door in your life to spirits of Jezebel. We are not using our gifts, our wisdom, our authority and position to control one another.
Moreover, there are those Pastors and Apostles that are among us when their members or those in fellowship with them get up and leave they speak evil over them. We are to freely receive and freely give. Bless are those who come in and bless are those come out. Speak blessings over them.
How does one deal with witchcraft in the Church? You bless and curse not, you pray for them, and pray not against them. You love and forgive and hate not. You might have to fast for this work of flesh can be broken through fasting and prayer. You cast evil spirits that are sent your way, witchcraft into hell, break curses and bind false prophetic words.
Furthermore, the Church needs much deliverance. There are many getting saved and never get the right discipleship and never go through deliverance. What happens to these evil spirits in those who don’t get deliverance they become religious and take on many masks of hypocrites.
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