The Missing Link
Elvis Iverson
When you look at End Time Teaching you need to have an open mind about these future happenings. When you teach on the end times begin with the main Absolute of the End Times, which is the return of Christ Jesus, our Lord.
We have had a miss understanding about the end times and we have been missing the full picture of the end times. I am not saying that we now have the full picture not at all, instead we now see a little better then before. When you don’t see this missing link in the end times you will miss what God will do in those times, today and in the future.
We need a proper understanding of the End times and even the Kingdom of God so we can obey God in certain things not only in the end times, instead there modern day kingdom of God that we are to walk, manifest, and establish by faith, prayer, power, revival, reformation and the marketplace global army and the new global missionary movements that the Lord and the Holy Spirit are training up for our time.
The missing link of the end times is the church in the end times. We have overlooked certain prophetic Scriptures about the church in the end times and have made certain end time teaching unsound and unhealthy for Christian growth and ministry.
Knowing this missing link we add purpose and hope to your life and open your eyes to what God will do now, in the future and the end times.
We have only begun to see this missing link about the Church in the end times as we know more and study more the Holy Spirit will give us more clearer revelation on the Church in the end times and the end times. So let us remain humble and walk grace and love in truth.
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