XII Prophetic Words of the Future
Elvis Iverson
November 29, 2006
The Holy Spirit is speaking about the future. He is speaking about the next 100 years. We see or hear a part of what God is saying. We need to be prayerful about what the Holy Spirit is saying unto the church through the Apostles and prophets. We need to be humble and meek to hear the Holy Spirit speaks through His Apostles and Prophets. Do you have a hearing ear to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying? Do you have a hearing ear to hear what the Apostles and Prophets are saying?
The Holy Spirit is speaking about the future to give us hope for tomorrow and faith today. The Holy Spirit is speaking about the future to give us a vision for the future. The Holy Spirit is speaking about the future to give us prophetic goals to apply in prayer and walk out in faith.
The Holy Spirit is giving prophetic insights and words for the future and for the next 100 years. He is speaking about the Church, America, India, China, the nations of Africa, and the nations of Europe, and the World.
XII Prophetic words about the future of the Church:
I. The whole Church will go through a Massive Reformation. All denominations will come to an end. The Face of Christianity will change on the face of the Earth. The Apostolic Church will be established in every city and every nation. Apostles and Prophets will be the main leaders of the Church. New Apostolic Churches will be raised up in many cities around the world. There will be great wave of Apostolic Church Planting, and cities will be filled with cell churches, etc.
II. The Church will filled with lasting revivals. The life of the church will be one of revival, and the church will never be without revival, and there always be revivals. The Church will be filled with the Gifts of the Spirit, Signs and Wonders. A healing revival will fill the church. There will be 24/7 days prayer in every major city. Massive deliverance and holiness waves will flood into the church. Certain Cities will have ongoing revival centers. In certain regions revival will never end. The Church filled with revelation, prophecy, visions and dreams. Revelation will flow more, and faster through servants and saints.
III. There will be a strong since of unity in the Body of Christ.
IV. Massive Harvests of Souls in many nations.
V. The Saints will do 98% percent of the work of the ministry. Major parts of the Ministry will be in the Workplace. A mighty workplace army will rise up in nations and cities around the world. The restoration of kings of the Kingdom has already begun, and an army of kings will be raised up under the apostolic leadership. There will arise of greater compassion and philanthropy ministries, and they will be many, and they will cover the earth with compassion. There will be a mighty company of Josephs, and philanthropists rise up.
VI. The Church will be full of heroes from generation to generation.
VII. Christian Television will grow, grow, there will be many Christian Television, Media, and many kinds of Christian media, etc. A move of New Christian art will and some of the greatest art works will be birth. There will be much more an impact of faith and church on the Internet.
VIII. The Church will began to build and focus around the city church, and national church, from regions to territory, and build around geography.
IX. The Church around the world will be more connected.
X. Children and Youth will have the same focus as adults. Children and Youth will have revivals, and move in the power of God. There will be new youth and children ministries that will arise and touch and change the hearts of many. There will be teenagers walking in anointing, power and ministering with a deep impact. There will be a flood of Children books, etc and youth books, etc. that will change the minds of many children and youth.
XI. There will be supernatural signs that we can see with natural eyes in the shy and around us, and there will be many of them. There will be supernatural natural signs over anointed meeting and gatherings to be a sign to the world that God is among them.
XII. There will be other supernatural anointings and manifestations upon the believers and in their lives, such as Holy Spirit transportation, raising the dead, and healing the land, etc.
XII Prophetic words about the future of America:
I. America will be filled with revivals. Social Transformation will come upon many cites in America. The Cities in America will burn with the Fires of the Holy Spirit. Massive Repentance will come as waves upon America. An outpouring of prayer and fasting will come upon the Church of America. Signs and Wonders will be the life of the Church in America. Massive Reformation will come to the church of America, and the face of Church of America will be radically changed. Extreme revival will come to the youth of America. The Church of America will come into a strong sense of unity. There will be massive Harvests of souls in America, and much of America will become radical Born Again Christians. The healing of Generations will come upon America.
II. Rivers of blessings and wealth will pour upon America, and America will become a more philanthropy nation and begin to minister to nations around the world. America is a Charity national. America will become a wealthier nation. There will be no poor class in America. Economic breakthroughs will come that will change the economy in America and nations around the world, and even the world economy will change.
III. America is a refuge nation for the persecuted church, America is a friend of the persecuted church, and America will reach out her hand to aid the suffering Christians in other nations. America is one of the weapons of the Kingdom of God.
IV. America will always be a favored and blessed nation, an example for nations to follow.
V. The Holy Spirit will transform the two major political parties, and there be oneness and unity that will arise from the politician reborn heart.
VI. America will know her purposed and her destiny. She will be rebirth to her purpose and destiny in Christ.
VII. America’s values will change to goodness, charity, justice, mercy, and selflessness.
VIII. The crime rate will radically go down, the system of justice will be reformed; law will become full of mercy.
IX. A new renaissance of art and culture will come across America.
X. New scientific era will come upon America.
XI. Environment breakthroughs will come forth in America.
XII. Newfound freedoms will be released upon America.
XII Prophetic words about the future of India:
I. A great outpouring of signs and wonders.
II. A great outpouring of raising the dead.
III. Massive Harvests of souls all over India.
IV. New Apostolic Antioch Churches will be birth throughout India.
V. A revival of Kingdom culture will come upon Believers in India and the people of India.
VI. A mighty company of Christian Businesspersons will arise.
VII. Divine changes will come to the government of India.
VIII. Christians will find newfound freedoms in India.
IX. New Economy for believers will be born.
X. Healing of the nation will come to India.
XI. Lasting revivals will come to India.
XII. India will arise through the mercy and goodness of the Lord.
XII Prophetic words about the future of China:
I. Newfound freedoms will come to the believers in China. China will open up wide for the Gospel, China will be a nation where believers have freedom, China will stand for human rights and freedom to worship Christ.
II. A great revival will come to China.
III. The Underground Church will arise in the power of God and grace.
IV. The Apostolic church will grow like wildfire in China.
V. Massive changes will come to China.
VI. Massive and great numbers of souls will come to know the Lord in China.
VII. China will look toward the Most High for Wisdom and Leadership.
VIII. Mighty Christian Marketplace Army will arise in China.
IX. China will be rebirth, made new and become a new nation.
X. Many cities will be won to the Lord in China.
XI. An outpouring of the Spirit of prayer will come mighty upon China.
XII. The church of China will have a greater unity, and will be an example for other believers in other nations to follow in coming into real unity.
XII Prophetic words about the future of the Nations of Africa:
I. Apostolic Revival will fill every believer, church, city and nation in Africa.
II. Social Transformation will come to many nations and cities in Africa.
III. Great Apostles will arise in Africa, instead of building their own ministries and churches they will build the church and ministry of Africa and the national churches and city churches of Africa, these great apostles will be horizontal apostles, beside there will be other apostolic spheres and ministries. Africa will be filled with the signs of the Apostles.
IV. The Hidden wealth in Africa will be unlocked and be ministered to the nations of Africa, and nations around the world.
V. Wealthy nations will arise in Africa.
VI. A mighty marketplace army will arise in every nation and city in Africa.
VII. The Lord will come as healing waves healing the lands, cities, nations and peoples of Africa.
VIII. Many governments will change and come into Christ’s Image.
IX. New apostolic patterns, the churches of Africa will have their own way of doing church, and believers and church leaders will look to them to learn their God giving ways of doing church.
X. Many Nations will become true Christian nations and come into unity with one another.
XI. Africa will become filled with spiritual wealth and riches from Heaven.
XII. The Lord will rise up churches and ministries in Africa to minister to nations around the world and the church around the world.
XII Prophetic words about the future of the Nations of Europe:
I. A great spiritual awaking will come to Europe.
II. Spiritual awaking will come to every nation in Europe.
III. Reformation of all things will come to the church in every nation in Europe.
IV. Great numbers will be won to Christ, greater numbers then all of history.
V. Christ will bring unity among all believers in Him.
VI. Revelation revival will come to Europe.
VII. Revival will come to every nation in Europe.
VIII. There will be a great outpouring that will flood all peoples in Europe.
IX. Healing love will flood the hearts of believers and they will be reconnection between believers across all of Europe.
X. The Hearts and values of Europe will change.
XI. God will birth a spirit of great spiritual hunger.
XII. A wealth of Knowledge will be birth in the hearts of the church and minister to the church around the world.
XII Prophetic words about the future of the World:
I. Many Major Religions will come to an end.
II. There will be revivals in every major city; The Earth will be full of revivals. Social Transformation will come to most major cities around the world in every nation.
III. Major influence in the marketplace will come from the Believers in the workplace. Most wealthy People will be Born Again Believers; there will be more wealthy believers then any other kind of people. The spirit of poverty will be broken off the church. There will be continuing rivers of the transfer of wealth from the wicked into the church.
IV. The Wealthy nations will minister to the developing nations, and most the developing nations will no longer be in poverty.
V. The Whole Education world will change.
VI. Most People will even live a longer life. The Health of Most People will be much more Healthy.
VII. We will have more then just a few new fuels to run our world.
VIII. A great wave of technology will flow and we will move so fast and the world will change so fast. That this time will look like the middle ages compare to what the technology will be in the future.
IX. Traveling around the world will become so easy, safe, and very affordable.
X. Much utility will become affordable. Vocations areas, etc. will become more affordable and be more near where you live, enjoyment of life will be one of the main values, and it will more affordable, and the living standard will be more better. And more people will save and invest.
XI. The values and goals of the world will change; the world will focus on real problems. Women and Children will have a better and fair life in developing nations and other nations around the world.
XII. A company of Covenant Nations will arise under the Lordship of Jesus Christ our Lord; they will stand with the Church and Israel.
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