Monday, December 25, 2006

From The Local Church To The City Church

From The Local Church To The City Church

Elvis Iverson

The Vision and ideal of the City Church is not the local churches in a city coming together although right now they are apart of the body of Christ and are today the church of the city. To those who are apostles when you build, you must build in wisdom of what is coming. If what your build is in disagreement with what Christ is building or what the church shall be in the future Christ will burn up your works. If you build according to Christ's blue prints and what Christ is building, and what Christ shall build then your works will be added to His works.

Today we are applying blueprints to the local church or networks that is for the city church. The local church is not the perfect will of God instead, the city Church is the perfect will of God.

Networks are not the mature will of God instead, the city church is. The local church is not the prefect church; instead the city church is the perfect church.

However, we must mature and grow in Christ one by one and as a body to the day that the city church can become the main force of church life. So the local church is needed until it's purpose has been fulfilled. Networks are needed until its purpose has been fulfilled. Therefore do not say this or that is the perfect will of God. The purpose of a local church is to hold restoration truth. The purpose of a network is to establish and mature restoration truth in the local church.

Moreover, the city church will come in time and maybe in our time. The Apostolic Church will birth the Kingdom Church. The Kingdom Church is the city church throughout the world in every city in every nation.

Furthermore, see, hear and understand the revelation of the city church and begin to plant the seeds of the coming city church into hearts of Christians everywhere.

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