Unity in Ephesians
Elvis Iverson
In the Church at Ephesus is an example for us to follow today. From Acts 19, to the Book of Ephesians, to 1 and 2 Timothy, and Revelation chapter 2, we can learn much about this church. Apostle Paul laid the foundation of this church; Apostle Timothy and the Apostle John were some of the overseers of this church.
In the Book of Ephesians, you can see this epistle is about Church Government, God's order, and unity. We can see the unity of the Spirit and the unity of the faith, and we can see the prophetic words that the church will come into the unity of the faith and that the church will become a glorious church, a church full of glory before Christ returns. This also shows that they already had the unity of the Spirit, and this means that we today can walk in unity, instead of just in the prophetic fulfillment of unity that is coming in the future and the end times. -(Eph. 4:3,13, 5:27)
Here Paul talks about the oneness that should be among all believers; this oneness is Christ's oneness. Let us see the characteristics of Christ's oneness; one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father of us all. So you see the seven characteristics of Christ's oneness. -(Eph. 4:4-6)
Unity will come through much reconciliation brought through the working of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and among us, and around us. You can see the seven reconciliation's in the Epistle of Ephesians; I call this the sevenfold reconciliation!
Strongholds of Darkness are weaken and more easy to bring down the strongholds of spiritual darkness when there is true reconciliation in the city and in the church. It seem that darkness has more power when there is divisions and less power when there is reconciliation. Paul identifies six social gaps that needed to be bridged before the church can confront the rulers of the darkness over a city. However, for the church to do effective warfare, it first must take care of these gaps, and from these we get six reconciliation's and I've added another one, first we should work on the church and then the city. -(Ref: "Anointed for Business" by Ed Silvoso)
The sevenfold reconciliation are; "first reconciliation between you and the Lord, or between us and the Lord. Then other six follow this one; Second reconciliation is ethnic reconciliation -(Eph. 2:13-22),third reconciliation is denominational reconciliation -(Eph. 3:16-21), fourth reconciliation is ministerial reconciliation -(Eph.4:1-6), fifth reconciliation is gender reconciliation -(Eph.5:21-33), sixth reconciliation is generational reconciliation -(Eph.6:1-4, and the seventh reconciliation is marketplace reconciliation -(Eph. 6:5-9).
Furthermore, on the personal level, if your brother hurts you, forgive him and seek reconciliation. Let us not walk in hate, unforgiveness, and bitterness, instead let us walk in love. When you look at the Epistle of Ephesians you can see word love through this epistle. In one word or the other unity is love. -(Eph. 5:2)
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