Friday, June 22, 2007

Build Your Prayer Life

Build Your Prayer Life

Elvis Iverson

Lord teach me to prayer, this should be the cry of every believer around the world, the Lord wants and His will is for every believer to have a successful prayer life. Every believer is to have a passion and love for prayer; every believer is to see their prayers come to pass and to experience God in prayer. Even after you have learn much about prayer it is the application of prayer, which is the most importation, every believer, needs the burden of prayer. Although you become knowledgeable and skillful in prayer you will always need the Lord to teach you to prayer today. –(LK. 11:1, Psa. 144:1)

The application of prayer in 1980’s it not the application of prayer in 2007, and the application of prayer in 1990’s is not the application of prayer in 2007. Each believer needs a flesh application of prayer in 2007. The application of prayer is always advancing and we must advance with the Lord in the application of prayer in 2007 and 2008. Although the guidelines of prayer always remain the same. –(2 Pet. 1:12, Rom. 1:11-12, Rev. 2:29)

Prayer is talking, fellowship, ongoing relationship with the Father, with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Begin your prayer life by talking with the Father and begin to see your life change. The Lord wants and will for every believer to be change by prayer every time they pray. –(Eph. 3:20)

There is prayer time in the Throne Room, called Throne Room Time; this is the prayer time that every believer enjoys and this is the beginning of all other stages of prayer time. Then there is Warfare prayer: this is a time to do battle against the darkness and forces that are warning against you. The next prayer time is called prophetic prayer time: this is when the Holy Spirit gives you prophecy, or revelation to apply during your prayer time. The other prayer time is experience prayer time: this is the highest stage of prayer this prayer time is more an experience then praying. The last prayer time is action prayer time: this is a prayer time that is carry out with prophetic acts, acts of faith, and by prayer walking. –(Gen. 12:1-9, Josh. 6:1-27, Jam. 2:14-26)

These are called the five prayer sages, which are the Throne Room Prayer Stage, The Warfare Prayer Stage, The Prophetic Prayer Stage, The Experience Prayer Stage, and The Action Prayer Stage. There could be other prayer stages. –(Matt. 7:7-11)

There is Corporate Prayer service this is when a whole local church or the city church comes together in prayer, this prayer time is lead by prophets, apostles and leaders in prayer, then there is a group prayer service this is a group of six people coming together to pray for the lost, city, nation, etc. then there is a personal prayer service, this is when you pray with the Lord alone. Every believer is to have a fruitful person prayer life. –(Heb. 4:14-16)

The Holy Spirit is makes intercession, He is our intercessor on the earth, and Jesus Christ is our intercessor in Heaven. Intercession is praying for your city, your nation, cities, nations, people groups, and on the global level, and praying for the lost. The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of supplication; supplication is higher form of intercession, supplication is more importation then intercession, since the Holy Spirit is also name the Spirit of Supplication. Supplication is praying for your local church, your apostle, your follow believers in Christ, the city church, the national church, the global church and the body of Christ. Supplication is praying for the Church, is for the church, and intercession is praying for the Kingdom of God, is for the church. This is why Jesus Christ is called our intercessor. –(1 Tim. 2:1, Heb. 7:25, Rom. 8:34,26-28, Zech. 12:10)

How to build your prayer life, here are some follow wisdom in how to build your prayer life. –(Phil. 4:2-9)

1. Ask the Lord to teach you how to pray.
2. Study the Holy Scriptures on prayer.
3. Study anointed books on prayer.
4. Set a time to pray every day, begin praying for 15min. to an hour then go from there.
5. When you pray: pray in faith, pray according the Word of God, pray to the Father in the name of Jesus, fill your prayer time with thanksgiving, praise and worship.
6. Pray in understanding and after you have prayed all in understand, begin praying in the Spirit, try to begin praying in the Spirit for at least 15.min, then try to work toward making most of your prayer time by praying in the Spirit.
7. When you begin your prayer time first enter into the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ ask for grace and mercy.
8. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you during your prayer time.
9. Write a general prayer outline that lasts at least one hour.
10. Write other prayer outlines for each day, like Monday you pray for personal prayers, Tuesday you pray for your city and nation, Wednesday you pray for your local church, etc. When writing out your general pray outline make sure your set time apart to pray for your other prayer outlines. Make sure you make changes and updates as the Lord leads and what is going on in your life.

Apply these practical guidelines to building your prayer life. As your prayer life grows your application of prayer will grow, begin with these steps and taste the power of prayer in these few baby steps to a life of prayer.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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