The Many Clouds of the Spirit part six
Elvis Iverson
May 20, 2007
In a vision I am again in the upper room in the prophetic tower. I see the company of prophets praying and prophesying, then I had a vision of a company of prophets that are coming, they are coming from all over the world to come together to learn to seek, to pray and to hear the Lord together. Then I had a vision, I see a company of apostles that are coming from all over the world to share wisdom with one another, to aid one another, to pray for one another and to move forth together in unity. I then see these two companies go throughout the world ministering the will of the Lord and ministering to the Lord. This is a move of the foundation of the apostles and prophets.
I see a vision of a prophet in India in a major city. He begun to seek the Lord day and night being set free from all things, as He seek God those around him begin to seek God with Him, they begun to seek God day and night for many days, then a cloud of the Spirit came upon them, and then I see many coming to seek God together. Then the prophet minister to the Lord and minister the prophetic word to those who gather with Him to seek the Lord.
I see a vision of an apostle in Africa. He prayed for three years in a city in a nation that is in Africa. He then was led to come to America for three years. The Lord gives him a vision that he is an apostle to Africa and his nation in Africa. During his three years in America He were fathered and mentored by another apostle. This apostle had a huge heart for Africa, and was called an apostle of Africa by the Spirit. After three years this apostle when by home and within 10 years planting new apostolic churches all over his nation, and within 20 years he worked with other apostles in the coming apostolic revival of Africa. And within 30 years he minister to the church around the world.
I see a vision of a prophet in Russia, he was led to establish a center for the services of the Lord; he called this place the tent of meetings. He begun to minister the prophetic word and he minister to the Lord. A river of the Spirit flowed from him to the whole gathering. Many from neighboring countries came and received from the Lord. This was not a church; this was a meeting place for the Lord to visit.
I see a vision of an apostle in a major city in China. He was a businessman and called to be an apostle. He received an apostolic vision for China. There was a special grace of divine protection place upon him by the Lord. He planted an apostolic congregation in Hong Kong that becomes a mega church; then he planted an apostolic congregation in Macao that become a mega church. He then planted an apostolic congregation in Taiwan and it becomes a mega church too. Then in China mainland He planted an underground apostolic network that enter to all major cities and reach toward Tibet. Then he establish upper ground apostolic congregation, and it grow and become a mega church. Until the day that freedom and liberty came to the church and all Christians in China, at that time the underground apostolic network and the upper ground apostolic congregation become one in the Lord. Moreover, he then began to minister to all of eastern Asia, and then minister to Asians around the world, and minister to the church around the world.
In vision I see a prophet in the nation of Netherlands in the city of Amsterdam. He begun to open a congregation, and to teach the congregation to flow openly in the prophetic river and the gifts, he began to minister to youth and children, even college young adults, they begun to flow in the prophetic, gifts of the Holy Spirit and the revival life. He connected to an apostle and his congregation then grows to huge numbers. He establishes a prophetic ministry, and his congregation was giving to the elders, and apostles, and leading apostle. He open a prophetic center calling it the Amsterdam prophetic center, this was not a congregation, instead this place of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He began to minister to the Lord and minister the prophetic word to the people that came from all over. A prophetic revival came upon them, this prophet was an apostolic prophet, and begun to minister to the church around Europe.
The Holy Spirit says these are examples of the kind of apostles and prophets that I am rising up around the world!
Now in the upper room I look outward the sixth widow and I see a vision (The Vision of Many Storms) the Holy Spirit says these are storms of the Spirit, these are storms of revival, these are storms of the movements of the Spirit, these are storms of God’s mercy and God’s goodness, and these are storms of divine change and transformation that are coming to many cities. These storms are a sign in the nature in how God is coming to move upon our lives, the church, congregations, and your cities.
Now here wisdom: these prophetic visionary widows are showing the greatest of God in our generation and in our time and beyond. One revival, one movement, one apostle, one network, one congregation, one prophet, etc. does not limit God; God is the great God and He will bring many revivals, many rivers, many clouds, many movements, many blessings, and many works of the Holy Spirit.
There is a grace, an anointing that is being imparted to you, and the Holy Spirit is touching you and ministering to you; begin to believe, receive, minister to the Lord and pray, thank Him.
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, hope, prophecy, Supplication International Ministry, vision
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