Bright Future
Elvis Iverson
March 17, 2007
The Holy Spirit is saying unto all those who seek the face of the Lord. There is hope for you. There is much hope for; there is a future of hope for you. You have a bright future in Christ.
Hope is the anchor to your destiny, hope is a tree of life, you are being filled with the life of God, and you will have life and have it more abundantly. You will be full of the life of God. Hope will bring you love, healing love, inner healing and a merry heart that does good like medicine; there is a river of merry heart medicine flowing into your life.
You have been faithful in patience, waiting, and a prisoner of hope, now you shall have the freedom of hope and you shall have the enjoyment and fruits of hope.
I have giving you a vision of hope, you have applied faith to this vision of hope, and now the gates and doors will open and the anointing will come to and carry you into your destiny.
Each seed of hope that I have planted will become a tree of life and hope in your life. I will fill these trees will blessings and revelations, and successfulness, fruitfulness, wealth, favor, and prosperity, and they will come into your life.
You will minister hope, life, blessing, anointing, prosperity to those around you, to the church, to your city, to the nations, to the marketplace, and to your purpose, vision, and destiny.
You will remember that I give you blessings, hope, wealth, prosperity, and success, and you will give me honor, thanksgiving and praise, and use your blessings for the glory of Christ.
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, prophecy, Supplication International Ministry
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