The Many Clouds of the Spirit part three
Elvis Iverson
April 29, 2007
In the Holy Spirit, I am in the prophetic tower in the upper room, in the midst of a company of prophets, and see angels standing around the company of prophets and I see angels standing around this upper room.
The Holy Spirit says to those who are hearing, reading and receiving this prophetic vision, believe and by grace enter into prophetic visions from the Lord!
I see a vision of Peter, Barnabas, Paul, James, and John standing in this upper room, they say we are not they; instead we are the manifestation of the Holy Spirit upon your generation and your time.
I see a vision of the reformation that has already begun, it begun as a lamb, it will become a lion, and then it will become a horse. I see the apostolic arise universal in the church around the world, the New Universal Apostolic Church. I see in America the Apostolic Church arise as the New Evangelical Apostolic Church; I see in Africa the apostolic church arise as the New Pentecostal Apostolic Church, and then from Europe, the apostolic church arise as the New Protestant Apostolic Church, and in Latin America, Mexico, Central and South America the apostolic church shall arise as the New Orthodox Apostolic Church, and in Russia, and nations around Russia the apostolic church shall arise as the New Charismatic Apostolic Church, and in Israel the apostolic church arise as the New Messianic Apostolic Church, and from then came forth the apostolic church in Omaha Nebraska USA emerging as the New Ecclesiastical Apostolic Church and it filled and consumed all other apostolic churches in the other nations, and on the global level.
I now see a vision of the glory of the Lord, the Glory of the Lord will come as revivals and the presence of the Lord, and the glory of the Lord will come to fill the church with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord in revelation. The glory of the Lord will fill the church with wealth, the glory of the Lord will come as wealth, and the glory of the Lord will come as new music that fill the church and then the world, and the glory of the Lord will come as the Image of Christ that will fill the church and then the earth. The Glory of the Lord is coming, there will be many revivals, the life of the church will be a life of revival, the life of a Christian will be a life of revival, and through revival the glory of the Lord will fill the Church, and then overflow upon the nations and cities around the world.
Now the Lord opens my eyes to the coming wealth, to the rivers of wealth, to the life of wealth that is coming to the Church. I see waves of wealth coming each waves are many waves and continuing waves of wealth, these are rivers of life.
· The first waves of wealth will be the day of the Christian Tycoon, Christian businesspersons arising, the emerging workplace apostles, and wealth to the apostolic church.
· The second waves of wealth will come to the workplace army; this will mean they will become successful and full of favor that they can change the world around them and their cities.
· The Third waves of wealth will come to all believers setting them free from debts, financial suffering, and financial lack.
· The Fourth waves of wealth will come to Israel. This wealth comes for the Messianic believers and the Apostolic Church, and the nation of Israel.
· The fifth waves of wealth are for the compassionate networking of mercy and compassion that will cover the world through the hands of believers.
· The sixth waves of wealth will be for the building of the Kingdom of God, and the City Church.
· The Seventh waves of wealth will be for the healing of the nations. The healing of nations will come through revivals, social transformations, the army of workplace believers, and the ministry of wealth.
Furthermore, I looked out the third window in the upper room, and see a vision of (The Vision of Many Revivals). The reformation is laying the foundation for lasting revival, many revivals, and personal revival, habitational revival, visitation revivals and the resting glory of the Lord. I see revivals over many cities, I see revivals over certain cities, I see revivals over many nations, I see revivals for certain nations, I see revivals over certain areas, and I see revivals over many areas, and I see revival over you.
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, prophecy, revival, Supplication International Ministry
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