The Coming UNITY
Elvis Iverson
Praying prayers for unity is the heart of God, unity is God’s will, and the whole church will come into unity in the future. The church will always increase in unity until they come into the fullness of unity. Some don’t believe or like unity, they think unity is evil, they call good evil, and instead unity is good meaning biblical unity. –(1 Cor. 1:10)
There is coming a strong sense of unity among many believers around the world from their identity with Christ, and the knowledge that we are all one in Christ. We will see besides these revivals of unity meaning many walking in love toward one another. –(Psa. 133)
City Church Unity is growing among believers in cities around the world. We will go from pastoral unity to apostolic unity meaning we will enter into the next level and growth of city church. This will be an increase of unity among congregations within a city. This could bring forth city church movements around the world, the vision and revelation of the city church will be release, and many will run with patience and wisdom with mission purpose toward the set vision of the city church. –(Rev. 1:20)
We have already entered into a massive reformation of the church. All things that are not according to His Word, Nature, Order and His Will be burn up through the fires of reformation, and all things that are will be place through the fires of reformation to become more pure, the groups and congregations that remain will have an oneness among them, and they will increase and fill the earth. This unity will grow and mature until the birthing of the mature city church, the end time church. –(Heb. 9:10)
The unity of the Spirit will come, meaning the order of the Spirit among all spiritual gifts, all believers will not lack in their spiritual gifts, and they will know their place, the church will be full with spiritual gifts; there are more spiritual gifts then the nine gifts of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit however, the church will be filled with gifts of the Spirit. The unity of the Spirit is the supernatural government of the church in order and place. Flowing together in unity and oneness. –(Eph. 4:3)
The Unity of the faith will come; what is the unity of the Faith? It is the knowledge of the Son of God, to a prefect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. The Church will come into the unity of the faith; the church will become a united in the end times. –(Eph. 4:13)
The Unity of the Godhead is the same unity that is among the Godhead and the church will have that unity, unity with God, and unity with one another. The fullness of unity is the Unity of the Spirit, the Unity of the Faith and the Unity of the Godhead. The Unity of the Spirit is unity and cooperation of spiritual gifts, the unity of the Faith is the mature city church, and the unity of the Godhead is the oneness of the Godhead in us and with us. –(Jn. 17:15-23)
Unity will come, we will grow into unity, we will mature into unity, and we will arise into unity, from reconciliation, to unity, and them to oneness these are the steps and growth of true unity that is coming to the church around the world. –(Matt. 5:23-24, Psa. 133, Eph. 4:4-6)
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: bible, christian unity, christians, city church, Elvis Iverson, End Times, Jesus Christ, prayer, prophecy, Supplication International Ministry, unity, vision of the city church
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