Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Sword of Unity

The Sword of Unity

Elvis Iverson

The Holy Spirit is saying this is the year of the sword of unity. This is a good fight of faith; we need to use the spiritual weapons to battle and war for unity. We need to take up the spiritual weapon of love and war for unity. Praying prayers of unity for the church around the world and praying prayers for the Body of Christ. –(Jn. 17)

The ideals of biblical unity are revolutionary ideals to our ears and old mindsets, and religious thinking. These revolutionary ideals of biblical unity are a sword of unity in them self. The Holy Spirit is planting seeds of unity in the hearts of believers all over the world, and the vision of unity and the vision of the city church is being release to spiritual leaders all over the church in all nations and cities. –(Prov. 28:18)

Biblical unity is not compromise; biblical unity is love, grace, Spirit and the truth. Biblical unity is not without holiness lifestyles, biblical unity is first unity with God then unity with one another, and unity is relationship with one another. –(Eph. 4:15)

Biblical unity is a step that each believer must step upon, and each company of believers must step upon, and each city church must step upon. However, unity is not the end only one of the steps of a new beginning of blessings and revival. –(Matt. 5:23-24)

Biblical unity begins with common ground, and common vision and relationship networking with one another. Our differences will no longer divide us instead it is our differences that will bring us together and this will be a work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. In unity there is diversity, without diversity there is no unity. Where there is vision there is revelation, and without vision there is division and confusion. –(1 Cor. 1:9,10, 14:33)

We must come to the realization there is only one global church, one national church in each nation, one city church in each city, with many congregations, and many groups in Christ. We as a church will grow unto maturity, and unity, and this is the will of Christ. –(Psa. 133, Eph. 4:13)

Some will say with wrong views about unity, and lies about unity will say unity is evil, that is saying love is evil and hate is good. If we misjudge the Church in anyway we will be judged, and this has happen for many years and we have been judged for our misjudging and hated toward one another; more unity more healing and health, more unity more blessings, more unity more revival, and more unity more church growth. –(1 Cor. 11:27-32)

We are coming to a strong sense of unity there will arise in our hearts by the ministry of the Holy Spirit, city church unity will come, which is apart of the next level of city church growth will come. From that point unity will grow from generation to generation until we come to the fullness of unity and from there the time of beginning of the end of a time, which the beginning of a new day, and the beginning of leading process steps to the return of Christ. –(Acts 3:19,21)

Can one teach unity and reformation at the same time? We are giving the right hand of fellowship to all believers, and we are to obey God in the reformation, both are on the heart of the Father, and both are the will of Christ. Reformation will bring unity, and we might need a reformation of unity to come in order to have unity. Therefore as we seek reformation from Christ, we need to seek unity from one another at the same time. –(Gal. 5:1,13)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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