Sunday, March 11, 2007

Emerging City Church part five

Emerging City Church part five

Elvis Iverson
March 11, 2007

The Spirit of revival is coming to all in Christ, the Spirit of reformation is coming to all in Christ and the Spirit of social transformation is coming to all cities where the City Church is emerging to the next level. The will of Christ is revival, reformation, and social transformation.

I see the Pillar of Fire come to the city church in all cities and to all congregations; this is reformation that is coming. I see the Pillar of Cloud coming to the city church in all cities and to all congregations this is revival however, is I see a resting fire coming upon the city church in all cities, and I see a resting revival coming upon the city church in all cities.

The winds of change, the winds of the Kingdom of God, the winds of heaven, the winds of the Holy Spirit and the forces of wealth are coming to the city church and your city.

I see John the Baptist in the streets of our cities saying come down and become Baptist in revival and reformation, and I see the Spirit of Jesus arising upon the congregations of the city church and the city church in all cities. I see the house of the Lord arising in all cities.

The gate of the city where be the seated place of authority of apostles and prophets, territorial apostles, city church apostles, and workplace apostles, and the city church center. I see angelic hosts being poured upon all cities.

Where the emerging city church is, meaning where the congregations come into the vision and order of the city church, those cities will grow and increase and become greater and more blessed then other cities, those cities that don’t open there hearts to the city church, and those congregations that don’t come into the order of the city church, those cities will decrease. New Major Cities and Gateways Cities are about to be birth by the power and grace of the city church. The markets will flow and wealth will flow into these cities, and through these cities and from these cities.

The winds of reformation, the winds of revival, and the winds of social transformation, and the winds of harvest are coming to the city church in all cities. Apostolic unity will come as a crown of vision and revelation upon the city church.

The winds of reformation are coming to the city church in your city. Winds of reformation will root out all things in the church in your city that are not of God, the winds of reformation will pull down all things that are in the church in your city that are not of God, the winds of reformation will destroy those things that stand in the way of Spirit, the way of the Kingdom, the way of the apostle, the way of the prophet, the way of the city church, the winds of reformation will throw down all things that are in false authority, those things that the Holy Spirit has not built, and those things that are against the city church, and are not of God, the winds of reformation will build the city church, and all things that come into order with the city church, and the winds of reformation will plant the city church, things in the city church, new things, new seed, and things of God.

Can you see or hear these things that coming? Where have you been? Are you on your watch post? What have you done with your time? Now the Lord is coming, the city church is coming, the Kingdom of God is coming, the marketplace church is coming, the apostles are coming, the prophets are coming, the marketplace apostles are coming, revivals are coming, reformation, is coming, social transformations are coming, and harvests are coming! Can your city be saved? Can your nation be saved? That is the will of Christ!

The Holy Spirit will raise and build spiritual aqueducts for the city church in your city. He is building a spiritual aqueduct for the city church in your city. Your city church will no longer come short or lack in aqueducts.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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