Sunday, March 18, 2007

Emerging City Church part six

Emerging City Church part six

Elvis Iverson
March 18, 2007

Do you hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church? Do you hear what the Prophets are saying to the church? Do you hear what the Apostles are saying to the church? The Apostolic Church arising, the next level of city church is upon us, a massive reformation has already begun, the many revivals are coming, and the church in the workplace is arising.

The Hearing Ear was giving to the Church, however those who have an ear let them hear, I am looking for the obedience ear, an ear that will hear and obey. I will fully restore the hearing ear, and I will bring restoration of the Seeing Eye. As you have seen the Hearing Ear restored now you shall witness the restoration of the Seeing Eye for the LORD has made both of them.

Come now to the vision of the mature city church, the church of the end times; a vision of a great rock that has enter into the beginning of its fullness, upon this great rock is built the city of God. There are twelve gates that are guarded by holy angels; more then a few are guarding these gates.

I see some prophets standing outside of these gates. The Holy Spirit says these are prophets to the nations, in the end times there will be prophets; like Enoch that will minister to the whole world, and the world will seek them out, these prophets will minister in teams and companies and be lead by senior prophets.

Now I entered into these gates that are before me. I see apostles and prophets meeting in side of each of the twelve gates. The Holy Spirit says these are the judges and counselors of the city church in every city. They will speak unto one another and speak to those who gather at the gates of the city church. The Holy Spirit says there will always be huge apostolic and prophetic gatherings at the gates of the city church.

Now a prophet came up to me, he says the Nehemiah anointing has been release they will minister, heal, restore the cities that the city church dwells in, and the Ezra anointing is the anointing that will begin building the city church in ever city around the world.

The Twelve gates are; first the gate you enter into is the gate of revelation, the second gate is the gate of reformation, the third gate is the gate of revival, the fourth gate is the gate of social transformation, the fifth gate is the gate of harvest, the six gate is the gate of wealth, the seven gate is the gate of the Apostles, the eight gate is the gate of time, the ninth gate is the gate of demonstration, tenth gate is the gate of the prophets, and the eleventh gate is the gate of restoration, and the twelve gate is the gate of the kings of the Kingdom.

Now I see a prophet coming up to me, he says Abraham seek for a city whose marker is God, this city is the city church, this is the house of the Lord that Jesus will build, and gates of hell cannot stand against this house. The vision of the city church is being release in the earth, and there will be those like Abraham that will begin to seek after the house of the Lord, and they will lead others to find such a house.

As I walked through the city of God, I saw a vision of the ministry of Joseph as a network of mercy and compassion covering the whole world. I see a vision of kings of this world seeking the apostles and prophets, and I see a vision of Christian world leaders arising in the earth, as national leaders, city leaders, and even global leaders, leading the earth into restoration, blessings, and prayer.

I see the Holy Spirit hovering over many nations, and revival falls upon those nations every day, every mouth, and every year, this has been going on for some time.

As I move around the city of God, the city of God is full of the fruits of the Spirit, full of the gifts of the Spirit, full of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, full of revival, full of glory, and full of revelation.

Now I see a huge building that has no doors, only doorways. I walked into this huge building, and I can see massive numbers of believers all over the earth praying day and night, and a certain number of them; a holy company prayers day and night, and this is their ministry. I look above them as they were praying and I see angelic host filling this huge building, I see strong angels, and angelic Visitations all over this building. I see visions of nations, cities, and people groups; I see spiritual battles being warred. I see Holy Spirit visitation coming upon all.

Now I see another building however, this building is invisible, and can only see this building through the eyes of my heart and by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. This building is a house of worship, I entered into this house of worship and I hear prophetic worship, and I see a river of prophetic worship flowing throughout this house. I hear worship for hours upon hours, I see many youth here worshiping and loving God.

Now I see another house, the house of the apostles, I entered into this house I am seeing many apostles fellowshipping day and night, there is a strong connection coming in the apostolic and strong relationship that will be in liberty and freedom in Christ.

Now I enter into a huge house, greater then the house of the apostles, this house was so great and mighty that I could not tell where the beginning and end of this house was; this is the house of the kings of the Kingdom. These are the kings that the Lord raised around the world to rein on earth. They will reign in this time, in the future, and in the end times. The Holy Spirit says they are entering into the beginning of the fullness of their time in the end of the age.

Now I come to a round building that goes up into the air, I entered into this building and I see prophets all over, and they are some standing on the ground and some standing in the air. This whole building is full with prophetic anointing, the river of the prophetic is flowing mighty through the prophets, and they have clear words, words from the Lord, words that come to pass.

Now I come to another building, this is the house of wealth, I enter into this house, this house is great, for it goes throughout the church around the world. It is full of wealth finances, and resources; and I see this building filled with angels and blessings.

Now I was taking from this city above this city and above this great mountain in a vision. I see a river of healing waters flow from this great rock unto all cities and nations around the world, I see honey flow like river from this great rock to all cities and nations, and I see the river of divine healing flow from this great rock to all cities and nations of the world, and now I see the river of revelation flow from this great rock to the cities and nations around the world.

Now I see vision of trees of life and I see the river of life flow from the Throne into all cities churches, into the city church in every nation around the world. The leaves are for the healing of the nations and the fruits are blessings for the saints.

Furthermore, I see a vision of a spiritual granary that will arise in every city; this spiritual granary is apart of the city church that the Lord is raising up. He will build and rise up spiritual granaries in all cities where the city church dwells.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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