How to Flow in Visions and Dreams
Elvis Iverson
There is about to come a series of outpourings, which are anointings for futures moves of God in revival and reformation. These outpourings will come in this order; an outpouring of the Spirit of prayer, an outpouring of the revelation, an outpouring of prophecy, visions and dreams, and an outpouring of signs, gifts of the Spirit, and the power of God; along with these there will be an outpouring of workplace prosperity, and an outpouring of angelic host upon the church, and the Spirit of Fasting will be poured out upon us. –(Amos 3:7-8)
All believers will flow in prophecy, visions and dreams, they are for all believers, and this is the will of Christ for the church. All will manifest certain manifestations, and then there are some who will walk in those gifting. Spiritual gifts are for all believers, there are more spiritual gifts then the gifts of the Spirit, and every person in the church has at least one of these spiritual gifts. I see a revival of the gifts of the Spirit, we will see the fullness of the gifts of the Spirit, and the church will be full with the gifts of the Spirit. –(Job 33:14-17, Acts 2:17-18, 1 Cor. 14:1)
How do you flow in visions and dreams?
1. You are to believe, and pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured upon your life in prophecy, visions and dreams.
2. You must prepare for dreams and visions.
3. Renew your mind, clean your mind, control your thinking, and fill your mind with the Holy Scriptures and Word Revelation, and read anointed books.
4. Pray in the Spirit faithfully, and pray to interpret, this could manifest in dreams.
5. Have a dream journal, to write down prophecy, visions and dreams, pray to interpret them, and pray about them.
6. Pray that you will know the source of your dreams, that the Lord give you the interpretation, and how to apply them.
7. Read anointed books on prophecy, visions and dreams.
8. You can have visions by faith and this is the key, see with faith and by the Holy Spirit.
9. Visions will come through the blood of Christ, enter into the Throne Room by the Blood of Christ, and pray for the eyes of your heart to open.
10. Visions will flow like a river or water, begin to speak what you see; more you speak more will come.
11. More your flow in prophesies, visions and dreams more will come.
12. Give God the glory, thank Him and worship Him.
You have dreams from the Lord, most are symbolic and as a believer the Lord will give you the interpretation, more you flow in interpretation, them easier it will become, pray that you flow in interpretation of dreams and visions. –(Dan. 1:17,19-23,5:11-12, 6:3-5,1:8, 2:49, Gen. 37, 40,41)
Visions and dreams will come upon all believers through the Holy Spirit upon you. Visions and dreams are the language of the Holy Spirit. There are visions and dreams that flow along with the revelational gifts of the Spirit. –(Acts 2:17-18,1 Cor.7-8, 10)
Pray for the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Revelation to be poured upon your life, believe for Word Revelation and prophetic revelation; above all be humble and teachable. –(Eph. 1:17-18)
Most visions and prophecy will come through the eyes of your heart. The hearing ear and the Seeing Eye are both from the Lord, He gives them to us, some will hear more, and others will see more. Pray for the Hearing Ear and the Seeing Eye. The hearing ear begin now by hearing the Holy Spirit through prophets and apostles, a hearing ear is an overcoming ear. Pray for the gift of the Hearing Ear and the gift of the Seeing Eye. –(Prov. 20:12)
There are visions that come through the eyes of your heart, then there are open visions that you see with your human eyes, and then there are trances, when you are conscience, but you don’t know what is happening around you, it is like you are in the vision, and the vision is around you. Then there is out of body experiences, which you are in the Lord. This is when the Holy Spirit takes your spirit out of your human body to places around the world, and even to heaven. Then there is Holy Spirit Transportation, which I call it, supernatural jump travel, when you’re whole being to travel to other places and nations for the purpose of ministry. –(Acts 2:17-18)
The prophetic anointing does not stop when you go to sleep at night, this is why you have dreams, and the prophetic anointing does not stop when you stop prophesying. The river of the prophetic is always flow, we just need to learn how to flow with it, and we need a grace to flow with in. some have a greater grace, they flow more with the prophetic river, pray for grace to flow with the prophetic river. –(Hab. 2:1)
All dreams and visions are to line up with the Word of God, which is the Bible, they glorify Christ, and they promote health to the body of Christ, and promote humility in your life. True prophetic will bring humility, and love and increase passion and relationship with Christ. –(1 Thess. 5:16-22)
Seek to know the Lord, seek to love the Lord, and seek to serve the Lord, and then prophecy, visions, dreams and the supernatural of Holy Spirit will come in your life. We are to seek those things that are above, and we are to set our minds on things above, this means visions and dreams, etc. in Christ and the Holy Spirit. –(Col. 3:1-2)
Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved
Labels: Elvis Iverson, Gifts of the Spirit, Holy Spirit, prophecy, prophetic, signs and wonders, Supplication International Ministry, visions and dreams
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