The Seven Waves of Harvest
Elvis Iverson
Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! Can you see the harvest of souls, cities, nations, and people groups; look with the eyes of your heart and see by revelation of the Holy Spirit the coming harvests of souls. –(Jn. 4:27-38)
The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labors are few. Can you see the harvests that the Lord of the Harvest is preparing to be harvest? However, there are few labors and we are to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send out labors into His harvest. Who is the Lord of the Harvest? The Lord of the Harvest is the Holy Spirit. The Five Fold ministers are to equip the saints for the work of ministry. Apostles are to rise up other apostles to harvest. There are some Apostles who will be leaders in the harvest, they are the lead harvesters called to go before and prepare the way for other harvesters, and to lead in the wave of harvests. What the Holy Spirit has done, He has giving a new vision and plan for foreign missions, and He also has giving a new vision and plan for home missions. The way things were done in the pass has changed, those things are out of date, and it is time to be up-to-date on missionary work. –(Matt. 9:27-28)
In Revelation chapter 14; sharing to us about how the harvests of souls will be supernatural, that angels, harvests angels will harvest souls, they are aiding the saints, evangelists, and apostles in harvesting the fields of souls.
The harvest is the end of the age; this reveals not only angels will be gathering souls; they will be aiding the believers in the work of harvesting. It also reveals that there will be a great harvest of souls in the end of the age. –(Matt. 13:34-30, 36-43)
Elisha prayed for a boy to come alive, and then the boy sneezed seven times. The Holy Spirit will breath upon the fields, cities and nations seven times, there is coming seven waves of harvest. –(2 Kings 4:34-35)
The Seven Waves of Harvest:
1. Harvest wave that we are in at this time in history. There are more souls coming to know the Lord in this wave of harvest then any other wave of harvest before this wave.
2. Increase harvest wave is the wave that is coming; the harvest of souls will increase all over the world. Areas that seem unreachable souls will begin to be won to the Lord, and even in the west we will begin to see souls coming to know the Lord.
3. Harvest waves that will come through the coming signs and wonders outpouring. There will be waves of harvest of souls that will be won to the Lord during the coming outpouring of signs and wonders.
4. Harvest Waves from the Apostolic Church. You will see as the apostolic church arise all over the world great numbers will begin to come to know the Lord.
5. The next waves will be the beginnings waves of harvest of the nations, we will see cities and nations begin to come to know the Lord. Whole nations, whole cities, most people in a nation will be won to the Lord, massive numbers will be won to the Lord in nations, nations will change by these massive harvest of souls.
6. The Harvest waves of the fullness of the Great Commission that will lead to the competition and fulfillment of the Great Commission.
7. Harvest waves of the Kingdom Church. The Apostolic Church is the church of the Third Reformation, will fill the whole church, unity will grow and then give birth to the mature city church, the Kingdom Church, the church of the end times, There will be waves of harvest in the time of the Kingdom Church.
However, with each wave of harvest, there will come spiritual warfare and persecution, with each wave of harvest there will come a wave of persecution with spiritual warfare. This is why we must build for the coming harvests, build for revival, gifts of the Spirit, and the power of God, and build to endure trials and spiritual warfare. The Lord must rise up armies of prayer warriors to war for these harvests, and war for the church. –(Eph. 6:10,18,19, Matt. 9:27-28)
There will be harvests waves that will come through the saints in the workplace; there will be harvest of souls that will come through the church in the workplace. We must prepare for these harvests and the other harvests that I have already spoken about in this article. –(1 Cor. 3:5-9)
Furthermore, These seven waves of harvest is what the Holy Spirit has revealed unto me, at the same we should keep in open mind, for there could be more waves of harvest in our future. Let us pray and hear what the Holy Spirit is saying unto the Church, and let us believe what He is saying and pray them forth in faith and patience. –(Heb. 11:1, 6:12)
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Labels: Apostolic Church, Elvis Iverson, End Times, prophecy, signs and wonders, Supplication International Ministry, vision
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