Thursday, April 19, 2007

Focusing and Understanding the Future

Focusing and Understanding the Future

Elvis Iverson

Today’s article came through years of study through the Holy Scriptures, Word revelation, prophetic revelation, visions and prophecy. In this article I am not making a new doctrine, only sharing what the Holy Spirit has showed me about the future.

Most end time teaching is in the realm of deduction; when you begin to teach on the end time always begin with the absolute of the end times, which is the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. I have heard many end time teaching, although most of it was not anointed, had no grace and peace. So at that time I didn’t teach anything on the end times, instead I prayed to the Father teach me the end times the way you understand it, then the Holy Spirit begun to teach me and show me about the end times, and over the years He has showing me more, to the glory of Christ.

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven, a wise man’s heart can discern both time and judgment, because for every matter there is a time and judgment, It is the Lord who changes the times and seasons, it is He who reveals deep and secret things like times and seasons to those who seek His face. With this knowledge we are to be redeeming the time. Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets! It is the will of the Lord for us to know times and seasons, and to know what time we are living in, and the future, this will come through prayer, and hearing what the Prophets are saying. –(Eccl. 3:1, 8:5-6, Dan. 2:21,22, Eph. 5:16, Amos 3:7-8)

After two days He will revive us, and on the third day He will raise us up, in the beginning of the church it was foreseen that a great apostasy will come, this came to pass during the dark ages, and then there came a time of restoration of the church, we are still in that day, we are coming to end of this restoration of the church, at the end of this restoration will come a massive reformation of the church, the apostolic church will arise, the church of reformation, and then the day will come that the apostolic church gives birth to the Kingdom Church, which is the mature city church, the church in the end times. One day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day; here we can see the time of the great apostasy, the time of restoration, now we come to the time of the apostolic church, which will bring us to the end time church, the Kingdom Church. The Holy Spirit has giving me insights into 10 years, then He give me insights into 100 years, and now He has giving me insights into 1000 years. We have entered into a new apostolic age this will last many years, many years, and beyond our own time. God moves in times of patience, if you want to understand God’s time understand He is a God of patience. Then from patience, there will come times of suddenly and immediately, and we have entered in another time of suddenly and immediately however most things God does is done through times of patience, He work through patience, and some times in those times He bring the suddenly and the immediately. –(Hosea 6:1-3, 2 Pet. 3:8, Rev. 20:4-6)

The Book of Revelation Is a Book of revelation of Jesus Christ, the fifth gospel, it is a revelation of what Jesus did on the earth from Heaven’s viewpoint, The Book of Revelation is a Book of worship, Is a Book of Victory, and it is a Book how will Jesus take over the world. The Book of Revelation is not about the Anti-Christ and Satan taking over the world, there is no anti Christ, the new millennial, the symbol of millennial is fullness. The Great Tribulation happens in 70 A.D. The Kingdom of God has already came through Jesus Christ when He ascended and seated at The Father’s right Hand, this begin His reign on earth from Heaven, and when He return He will reign over heaven from earth. The Kingdom of God is increasing throughout the earth, leading steps to the return of Christ. The future of the Church is glorious; Israel and the Church will come into holy oneness, all of Israel will be saved. There will be peace between Israel, Egypt and Iraq, and this is the key to peace in the Middle East. Satan and his kingdom of darkness is losing the war, and the Kingdom of God and the Church is increasing, light is increasing and darkness is decreasing, the future of the world is bright through the hands of the kings of the Kingdom and Jesus Christ our Lord. –Isa. 19:18-25, Matt. 23,24, Rev. 1:1-3)

We have been in the time of restoration, now we are coming to the end of the restoration, and at the end of this restoration, will be times of reformation of all things, this is what we have already enter into. –(Acts 3:19-21, Heb. 9:10)

This is what will happen in the next thousand years, as I write them down, I am not saying that all this will happen in the order that I think I see it, however, I do believe all these things will happen.

1. We have come to the day of the third reformation of the Church, the new apostolic reformation, this will be a reformation of all things in the church; this will be a massive reformation.
2. We have come to the beginning of the end of restoration of the priesthood, and we have entered into the beginning of the restoration of the kings of the Kingdom.
3. We will see the restoration of the Glory of the Lord in the church, the church will become full of revivals, and glory, and the church will become the glorious church, from the church the revivals will overflow into the nations and cities, and begin the healing of the nations, the healing of nations will come through revival, the earth will be full of the glory of the Lord this will come through the Church being full and overflowing unto the nations, the restoration of glory will come through revivals.
4. The Apostolic Church is the church of the reformation, and church that shall arise and fill the whole church. It is the apostolic church that shall give birth to the kingdom Church, which is the mature city church, the church of the end times.
5. The City Church today shall go from pastoral unity to apostolic unity. The next level of City Church is coming which shall be city church networks being lead by city church apostles, and city church centers being built as centers for the city church.
6. The arising of the city church in every city of every nation, arising into the next level of city church growth.
7. Signs and wonders, the gifts of the Spirit, and power of God will be everywhere in the church, the church will be filled with power and the Gifts of the Spirit.
8. The arising of apostolic networks all over the world, these will replace all over kinds of companies and groups of churches.
9. Among the Apostles, among the apostolic networks, among the congregations and the city church there will be unity and oneness among the groups that remain throughout the reformation, there will come oneness and unity among them.
10. The Church in the workplace will be established and grow in every city and in every nation.
11. There will come massive harvests of souls, I foresee seven waves of harvest. And we will come to the fullness and fulfillment of the great commission. In a future article I will share about these seven coming harvest waves.
12. The earth will become full of glory, first the church will become full of glory, and then the gory will overflow into the world. There will come many revivals, and life of the church will be one of revival, and the Christian life will be one of revival however, I foresee five major revivals that will be the major fulfillment of the restoration of the glory of the Lord in the earth. These five major revivals will be the fire of the Holy Spirit, the Water of the Holy Spirit, the Wind of the Holy Spirit, and the Oil of the Holy Spirit and the Wine of the Holy Spirit; there will be revivals leading to these five major revivals.

From apostolic unity there will come city church unity. Yes city church begins with pastoral unity, and then goes to apostolic unity and from their goes to Kingdom Church unity. The arise of the city church in every city of every nation, first the next level of the city church which I call it apostolic unity will come, and from that time the City church will mature until we come to the fullness of the city church, the mature city church, the Kingdom Church, the church of the end times. The Apostolic Church will grow and increase throughout the Church around he world, the church be filled with the Apostolic church, then shall give birth to the mature city church, the Kingdom Church, the Church in the End times. The Apostolic Church is the Joshua Generations, and the Kingdom Church is the Davidic Generations.

The Unity of the Faith will come; the Church will grow, increase, and mature in unity until the Unity of the Faith is birth, this will be through the City Church. The Apostolic Church will grow in unity to a degree that it gives birth to the mature city church and the fullness of unity, the unity of the faith. The Church will fill with glory through the coming revivals and the many revivals, the church be filled with revivals, and the church in the end times is the glorious church, full of glory. –(Eph. 4:13, 5:27)

I believe Daniel 12:3-4 is coming to pass before our eyes, and this is the times we will live in, the wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and they will turn many to righteousness, and they will become like stars, and many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase, and the knowledge of the Lord will increase.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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