Friday, June 01, 2007

Apostle’s Doctrine

Apostle’s Doctrine

Elvis Iverson

In Acts 2:42: it says, “and they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

The Apostle’s doctrine is speaking again to our generation, when ever the Apostle’s doctrine came forth, the believers begun to overcome in all things, and moved in signs, gifts of the Spirit and the power of God.

Today we must continued in the apostle’s doctrine, it is not seasonal thing or a passing thing, it is beyond seasons, beyond years, if you walk, if you live, you will have the blessings of the apostles, and you will live the life of Christ.

It was not just teaching, it was Apostle’s doctrine and fellowship, you see within congregations they talk about community however there is not relationship, there is no fellowship, and there is no love, and no action of love.

It is fellowship in breaking of bread, we are to be seated down before each other and share and eat together. Breaking of bread is a sign of covenant, if the Lord prepares a table before our enemies, then what kind of table has He prepared before the apostles, and the people of God!

Apostle’s doctrine and fellowship in prayers, The Lord wants each one of us to have a passion of prayer, a love of prayer, and that is what the apostolic anointing is calling the church back to a passion and love for prayer.

Doctrine means teaching, and we need sound and healthy doctrine meaning teaching, if you want a sound and healthy congregation you need sound and healthy teaching. What bring good doctrine? A life of character and integrity brings good doctrine; each believer is to be person of character, to become a person of character, and person of integrity, apostolic lifestyle comes before good teaching, apostolic teaching, if you want apostle’s doctrine you must first have apostolic lifestyle. In the apostolic church the application of the apostolic and the Word comes first before teaching. –(1 Tim. 3:1-13, 4:6, 12-16, 2 Tim. 4:3-4, Tit. 2:1-10)

Apostle’s doctrine is a river of Word revelation to this generation, apostles teach and preach with revelation, it is Holy Spirit teaching them every time in there personal time and in their ministry time. The Lord wants each believer to be filled with Word Revelation to walk and live in Word revelation, Word Revelation leads to prophetic revelation, revelation is a key of the Kingdom, and through revelation keys are giving by faith. Revelation brings revelational faith, if a person don’t walk in revelational faith watch out they are open to the errors of the enemy of faith, if they don’t repent for the reasons that they don’t have revelational faith, the Lord will remove them from your life, God only wants those with revelational faith in your life. Don’t trust a person who does it have revelational faith. You can’t have relationship without revelation. –(Eph. 1:17-18)

Apostle’s doctrine is signs, wonders and the power of God; it is application that comes with power to change all things around you and in you, for to long we have been without the witness of the power of God in our lives. True apostle’s doctrine brings signs and wonders. –(Acts 2:42-43)

Apostle’s doctrine is missions and evangelism work; it is Word with deeds, and actions. Apostle’s doctrine is not just teaching, instead it is teaching with deeds and works. –(2 Tim. 4:5)

Apostle’s doctrine is relationship, fellowship and covenant networking. It is time for true community; it is time to come together to stand together, and to know one another. Apostle’s Doctrine is biblical fellowship in covenant relationship with one another. –(Acts 2:46)

The Apostles of the first days of the church brought apostle’s doctrine to the church in their age; it was the life and teachings of Jesus Christ in signs and wonders. The Apostles preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, they understood the Kingdom of God and it’s relationship with the church. The apostles were not to leave the ministry of the Word of God to serve tables; instead they were to give themselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. This means that Apostle’s doctrine was importation, and today the teachings of Apostles, there lives, and their purpose and ministry, and the signs and wonders that follow them is importation, and through their obedience the believers ministry, workplace ministry, marketplace ministry was release and that is what the Holy Spirit is about to do today through the modern day of the apostles. –(1 Jn. 1:1-4, Acts 2:40-47, 4:32-37, 5:12-16, 6:1-8)

Apostle’s Doctrine comes first from the first apostle, the chief apostle, the head of the church, which is our Lord Jesus Christ. It is Jesus Christ who gives apostle’s doctrine to the apostles, and the apostles give them to the church, and then signs and wonders come forth and the believers are release into the workplace of ministry and marketplace army release into the workplace to change the world for the glory of Christ and for the purpose of the Kingdom of God. Apostle’s doctrine is not just teaching it is relationship and fellowship with Jesus Christ, it’s centered on Jesus Christ, and it is revelation of Jesus Christ. –(Heb. 3:1)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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