Monday, June 25, 2007

The Many Clouds of the Spirit part 12

The Many Clouds of the Spirit part 12

Elvis Iverson
May 28, 2007

In a vision I am in the Prophetic Tower In the Upper Room. The whole upper room opens up and became huge in the Spirit. The Prophets stood up together in vision and unity. They now point together and prophesy to each of these widows of prophetic vision.

A prophetic overview of the 12 Windows of Prophetic Vision:

I see 12 windows that look into the whole earth. I then see a company of prophets seated in this upper room.

Now I see a vision of outside of this prophetic tower in the sky, I see from the 12 windows came 12 light beams that seen throughout the world, these were like beams from a lighthouse.

Now in the upper room with the company of prophets I look out the first window of light, revelation, and prophetic!

I see a vision of many clouds (The Vision of Many Clouds) these are supernatural, Holy Spirit, power, anointings, mercies, graces, and they are full of Holy Spirit rain, they will rain and never stop raining, the earth will be covered again with a huge great mighty flood however, this flood will never go down instead keep filling with Holy Spirit rain. These clouds will cover the sky of the whole earth, every city, every nation, every believer, every people group, and every city church. These clouds will hover over your hearts and minds of every believer, and Holy Spirit rain will always rain and never come to an end. The many clouds of the Spirit will always increase and there will never come to an end, and the Holy Spirit rain will always increase, and never come to an end.

Now I looked out the second widow in the upper room. I see a vision (The Vision of Many Revelations) there is come a huge great massive flood of revelation; the minds of many believers will change, the heart of the church will change, the holiness lifestyle will be common and radical in the love of Jesus. Walls and gates of revelation will be built, cities of revelation will be built, congregations of revelation will be built, and there will be revivals of revelation. Revelation will no longer be rare, there will no longer be a famine of revelation, we will never live life without revelation again, and the revelational life is being restored to the church in our time. Both Word Revelation and prophetic revelation will fill, the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will fill the Church, and then the glory of the Lord will fill the Church, the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will fill the earth, and then the glory of the Lord will fill the earth.

I looked out the third window in the upper room, and see a vision of (The Vision of Many Revivals). The reformation is laying the foundation for lasting revival, many revivals, and personal revival, habitational revival, visitation revivals and the resting glory of the Lord. I see revivals over many cities, I see revivals over certain cities, I see revivals over many nations, I see revivals for certain nations, I see revivals over certain areas, and I see revivals over many areas, and I see revival over you.

I look out the fourth widow and I see a vision of (The Vision of Many Signs). Yes there will be a great outpouring of signs and wonders, and the life of the church will be life of signs and wonders, and the life of a Christian will be a life of signs and wonders however, this vision of many signs are signs in the sky, signs in the city, signs in the night, signs over your cities and nations, and signs in space. These are signs that point to our Lord Jesus Christ, that bring glory to Christ, and they open peoples hearts to Christ, they give honor to Christ, and they set minds free to believe in Christ.

Now in the upper room I look out the fifth Widow and I see a vision of (The Vision of Many Rivers) I see a vision of the Throne Room in the Third Heaven, I see a vision of the Throne of God, now I see a vision of the city church and the Throne of God, and from there came a river of life, and from this river of life came many rivers, a river of prophetic, a river of wealth, a river of healing, a river of signs and wonders, and many rivers of revivals, and there was much more rivers. I here these words; The Church will never be lukewarm, never be dry, never be without the rivers of the Spirit, and the Church shall be full of life, and be full of fruitfulness, fullness, and fulfillment.

Now in the upper room I look outward the sixth widow and I see a vision (The Vision of Many Storms) the Holy Spirit says these are storms of the Spirit, these are storms of revival, these are storms of the movements of the Spirit, these are storms of God’s mercy and God’s goodness, and these are storms of divine change and transformation that are coming to many cities. These storms are a sign in the nature in how God is coming to move upon our lives, the church, congregations, and your cities.

Now here wisdom: these prophetic visionary widows are showing the greatest of God in our generation and in our time and beyond. One revival, one movement, one apostle, one network, one congregation, one prophet, etc. does not limit God; God is the great God and He will bring many revivals, many rivers, many clouds, many movements, many blessings, and many works of the Holy Spirit.

In the upper room I look out the seventh window of prophetic vision and I see a vision of (The Vision of Many Movements) There is coming in our time, beginning in our generation the many movements of God, the Lord is not just limited by one movement, He is not just in one movement, and He will lead many movements, for they are all the banners of the Lord.

In the upper room I look out the eight window of prophetic vision, I see a vision of (The Vision of Many Blessings) I then see clouds of blessings cover the houses of worship, and homes of believers, I see rains of blessings coming upon them, I see floodwaters of blessings arising in their lives, I see rivers of blessings arising and I see floods of blessings.

Now in the Upper Room I see looking out all the last windows of prophetic vision, and I see light and glory coming forth, and now I look out the ninth widow of prophetic vision and I see a vision of (The Vision of Many Companies) The Lord is rising up and fathering many companies around the world, He is pouring oil, water and wine into each of them.

In the upper room I look out the tenth widow of prophetic vision, and I see a vision of (The Vision of Many Angels) I see many companies, hosts, bands upon the Church, the Kingdom and the World. I see rivers of angels coming, I see winds of angels coming, I see clouds of angels coming, and I see storms of angels coming, I see fires of angels coming, I see revivals of angels coming, I see movements of angels coming, and I see outpourings of angels coming.

In the Upper Room look out the 11 window of prophetic vision and I see a vision of (The Vision of Many Places) The Lord is not just moving in one place, He is moving in many places, and all places, The Kingdom of God will come to all places, to many places, revival will come to every city, every nation and to every place. God will move in many places.

Then the Prophet say now look out the 12 window of prophetic vision and I see the vision of (The Vision of Many Works) We have enter into a time, and a future of many works, The Lord will do many things and many works at once, and He will continue to do many works.

Now the Prophets say, now those who hear these prophetic visions now receive the grace and the imparted blessings and anointing of these prophetic visions.

The Holy Spirit is speaking to those hearing and reading this prophecy, revelation will come to you as a river, a river of peace, a river of joy, a river of righteousness, and river of life will come to you, and a river of revival will come to you, if you believe.

The Holy Spirit says to those who are hearing, reading and receiving this prophetic vision, believe and by grace enter into prophetic visions from the Lord!

The Holy Spirit wants to touch every one who is hearing and reading this prophetic vision, He wants to give each person a supernatural beacon, for favor, blessings and grace to come in your life, He wants these prophetic airwaves to flow in your mind and heart, He wants these coming clouds to come in your life, He wants your Christian life to be a life of signs and wonders, and liquid grace and mercy being poured upon you, and liquid anointing oil poured out upon you, if you believe and receive by grace you will have this touch of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit today.

The Holy Spirit say to those hearing and reading this prophetic vision breakthrough anointing has been release into your life, apply this breakthrough anointing to the areas that you need a breakthrough, by praying for breakthrough for those areas and praying for the anointing to be apply, and the Holy Spirit say a river of fruitfulness and blessings will flow in your life just open your heart and ask the Lord for this river.

There is a grace, an anointing that is being imparted to you, and the Holy Spirit is touching you and ministering to you; begin to believe, receive, minister to the Lord and pray, thank Him.

The Holy Spirit says to those hearing and reading this prophetic vision, the Holy Spirit wants to move in your life, He wants you to be movement of the Lord in the Earth.

If you believe this, the Holy Spirit will rain blessings upon you, ask the Father in the name of Jesus for the Holy Spirit to come and rain blessings upon you.

If you want revelation, visions and prophecy seek the Lord and ask Him. If you believe, if you are ready in heart, you will have this manifestation of the Holy Spirit in visions and prophecy. In grace now taste visions and prophecy, by faith in Christ.

The Holy Spirit wants to pour the oil of rest, the water of peace, and the wine of refreshing upon you. Ask by faith, Father send the Holy Spirit with the oil of rest, water of peace, and wine of refreshing, send the Holy Spirit to pour them upon me, I pray in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Now I see a vision door open and out came our Lord Jesus Christ, He said these prophetic visions that I am giving to the church in this moment is for this generation, is for this time, and is for the future times that are coming, then He said within a few years you will see the fullness of these prophecies begin to manifest, they will manifest and continue to manifest throughout your generation and your time, and then will continue to manifest in future times that are coming. Now our Lord Jesus points His finger to those hearing this prophetic visions, saying take heed to these prophetic visions for they are the will of the Lord. Let the power and manifestation of the Holy Spirit come upon you, may the witness of the Holy Spirit raise up within you, and may the Kingdom of God manifest in your life.

Now the Prophets say what you see and hear will happen, this is for real, and this is the will of the Lord. The gate door window has been open, the time has already begun, and it is beginning in your generation.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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