Friday, August 17, 2007

The City of The Apostles part two

The City of The Apostles part two

Elvis Iverson
July 1, 2007

In a vision I see the company of angels who have no name. I hear angels in the background singing songs of worship. I then feel a mist of the Spirit come upon us, the Holy Spirit then said to us saying this is the will of the Lord for every believer to feel and be touched by a mist of the Spirit everyday.

Then the angels said, we do not talk by each one, we only talk together. We are the angels of pure vision and pure revelation. As we are speaking to you, we are speaking to others who are waiting before the Lord to hear what the Lord is saying about the church. Hear what the Holy Spirit is saying unto the church!

We speak to you in visions not in words only, our visions are not our own but the one who sent us give us these visions, the Throne Room is the place of prophecy, visions, revelations, and dreams.

Now here what we have to say about these divine cities, about these cities of the apostles, about the city of the apostles.

In a vision I see a few apostles arise in anointing and grace. Some were apostles called to plant a congregation that became a mega congregation in the Spirit. And lamp burn day and night among them. These are congregational apostles, and they are many, but they are only some, and few.

In a vision I see a few apostles arise in anointing and grace. Some were apostles called to plant apostolic ecclesiastical networks, they were called ecclesiastical apostles, they were many, but they were only some, and few.

In a vision I see a few apostles arises in anointing and grace. Some were apostles called to minister to a city and lead the city church, they were called territorial apostles called to plan territorial church networks, and establish city church centers. They were many, but they were only some, and few.

In a vision I see a few apostles arise in anointing and grace. Some were apostles called to establish horizontal networks, these apostles were called horizontal apostles, and they were many, but only some, and few.

In a vision I see a few apostles arise in anointing and grace. Some were apostles called to the workplace, or marketplace. They were called marketplace or workplace apostles; they were many, but only some, and few.

In vision I see a few apostles arise in anointing and grace. These apostles had other ministries and other plans then the ones before, they cover all other apostles that we have not yet said. They were many, but only some, and few.

Now I see a vision of divine cities around the world. I see apostles arise. Some cities had are a few, but these cities had many apostles and this was a supernatural wonder.

In these cities I see huge apostolic congregations arise, many coming to know the Lord, I see in these cities the activity of the Holy Spirit arise throughout the city. And I see if there were not enough people to go around, the Lord will bring more people from other cities and around the world. And it seems that these apostolic congregations had no since of ownership on the sheep, instead there was freedom, love and grace.

I see the establishment of apostolic ecclesiastical networks in these cities, these networks when throughout the nation around them, and even some around the world. I see a company of apostolic ecclesiastical networks within these cities. I see those called into ministry come from around the nation and even around the world.

I see in these cities the water, oil and wine poured out upon these cities. I see in these cities the oil, fire, wind, water, and wine of the Spirit poured out. It seems that God was giving all things to these cities and His people. From these cities came rivers that went to the nation around them and even around the world.

I see within these cities marketplace apostle minister, I see the beilevers in the workplace begin to arise in faith and the supernatural in the Holy Spirit. I see many believers enter into workplace revival. I see rivers of wealth flow into these cities, into these ministries of marketplace apostles, into the apostolic ecclesiastical networks, and into these apostolic congregations, and many become wealthy in these cities, but even beyond numbers believers become financial independent, this lead to a new era. The ministry of wealth, and the ministry of philanthropy arise among the believers that out number those in the world. This will lead to 90% of believers in the ministry of philanthropy, and only 10% only be of the world, soon the believers will own most of wealth around the world.

Within these cities many prophetic words came to pass and many prophetic words begun to come to pass around the world, and these cities were the place of prophetic fulfillment and prophetic release.

Now I see within these cities; city church networks arise and there was city church centers established, and I see 24/7 prayer, worship and prophetic watch. The Apostolic City Church arises into great anointing and great grace. These centers were a place for resting glory to come and live, and these places were the centers for revivals. These cities were filled with signs and wonders, and these cities were full of the acts of the Holy Spirit.

From these Apostolic City Church in these cities begin to flow the rivers of revival, and rivers of social transformation to cities around them, to the nation around them, and to cities and nations around the world.

These cities became fruitful, full of fruitfulness; these cities become cities called city of righteousness and faithful city. These cities were full of judges and counselors, apostles and prophets, and from these cities came many missionary movements to nations and cities around the world.

These cities increase in sizes from time to time again. These cities continue to grow and grow; some of these cities become three cities or four cities in one apostolic city church. Many numbers of people came from around the world called to live in these cities.

I hear the Holy Spirit says these are the cities of the apostles; this is the plan of the Lord in the earth and in the church. These cities of the apostles are the city of the apostles.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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