Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Shaking has begun and the North Winds

The Shaking has begun and the North Winds

Elvis Iverson
August 4, 2007

Prophetic words that the Lord is speaking from I-35 in Minneapolis Minnesota USA, and Russia putting claims on the North Pole and seeking for oil; these are prophetic signs that the Lord is speaking to us through these events.

First and foremost the Lord is building the Highway of Holiness as it is spoken of in Isaiah 35.

The man made buildings of the church are weak and will fail, they will fall; the Lord will build His house, the Lord will arise up His church. New Wineskins will arise. The Apostolic Church will arise; the apostolic city church will arise.

In addition, shaking that is coming, there is a shaking that has already begun; it first came as a lamb, now it will come as a lion, and then a horse, this is the reformation of the Church. The work of reformation is a work of becoming pure gold, pearls and precious stones.

The bridges of unity are weak and will fail, the Lord will build stronger bridges of unity, and the Lord will build a bridge of apostolic unity, and arise up the apostolic city church.

The Lord will build highways and bridges of salvation in according to Isaiah 49:8-12.

It is time to go to highways and byways around the world meaning the marketplace and the workplace. –(Matthew 22:9

The I-35 bridge fallen over the Mississippi river meaning the man ways and bridges to revival will fail and will not work, the Lord will built a more better bridges to revivals, and replace the others that will fall and be removed. The Lord showed me a revival that will come and touch every state where the Mississippi river touches.

The shaking has begun in the church and in the world, and even in America, and through this the Church will arise and Kingdom of God will move forth and increase.

Russia putting claims on the North Pole and seeking for oil. This is a prophetic sign that the North winds of Holy Spirit will begin to blow upon the nations, first and foremost Russia, Europe, and America, and then the rest of the world, The North winds of the Holy Spirit are the cleansing winds of the Spirit.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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