Friday, July 20, 2007

The Church Around The World part three

The Church Around The World part three

Elvis Iverson
June 30, 2007

In a vision I see the roundtable meeting of the seated apostles and prophets, they begun to speak about vision of the church around the world. Every time they said something and agree by grace and by truth and Spirit there were angels sent forth from the Throne Room to the church around the world.

I see a vision of the Church around the world. I see a vision what the Church shall be, this vision is not just for one member in the Body, this vision is for all members in the Body, this vision is not of one group or ministry, this is a vision of the church.

Jesus said He will build the Church and the gates of hell cannot stand against her, and that the church will be built upon the Rock of the Kingdom of God, which is Jesus Christ, the beginning of the Kingdom of God. The Church is the city of God built upon the great mountain called the Kingdom of God. This is the vision of the Church around the world. –(Matt. 16:18-19)

The Church is the salt of the world, the church is the light of the world, and the church is the city set on a hill that cannot be hidden, the church is the lampstand to the nations of the world. –(Matt. 5:13-16)

The Lord will pour out His Holy Spirit upon the church in all nations around the world, in every city, and in every place. They shall be outpourings of prophecy, visions, and dreams upon the church; this is the vision of the church around the world. –(Acts 2:17-18)

These signs will follow the church around the world, healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead, walking in the gifts of the Spirit, and the power of God, this is a vision of the church around the world. –(MK. 16:17-18)

Jesus said the church will do greater works then He did on the earth, that in His name they will do greater works then He did in the four gospels. This is a vision of the church around the world. –(JN. 14:12-14)

It is the will of the Lord that the church lacks no gift or come short in no gift, this is a vision of the church in every city, in every nation, and the church around the world. –(1 Cor. 1:7)

The Church will come to the unity of the faith; this is a vision of the church around the world. –(Eph. 4:13)

The Church shall become a glorious church, full of glory, holy and without blemish; this is a vision of the church around the world. –(Eph. 5:27)

Jesus prayed a prophetic prayer, which is a prophecy about the church that the church will come into unity and oneness with God, and with one another. This is a vision of the church around the world. –(JN. 17)

Many nations shall come and say, come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, the Kingdom of God, to the house of the Lord, the church, and He will teach us His ways, for out of the church will come revelation. This is a vision of the church around the world. –(Micah 4:2, Isa. 2:3)

I will fill the church with glory, the glory of the latter church shall be greater than the former; in this place I will give peace. This is a vision of the church around the world. –(Hag. 2:7-9)

The Lord shall build up the church, and He shall appear in His glory, this is a vision of the church around the world. –(Psa. 102:16)

Isaiah 60 the vision of glory, wealth, is a vision of the church around the world.

The Lord want give this vision to hearts of His people in all nations and in all cities, for them to believe, and pray forth, and walk and run with this vision of the church around the world.

The Church has you know of will change, and the face of the church will change in one generation, and this is only the beginning, and God is moving in the Holy Spirit in all nations and all cities, He is moving by the Holy Spirit in the church around the world.

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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