Friday, July 06, 2007

Soaking Prayer

Soaking Prayer

Elvis Iverson

We are to purse and practice the presence of God, have a burning passion to seek God and to experience His presence and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. We can do this by the blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit in you, it is all done first by faith, believe that you can touch His presence and His presence can touch you. –(Col. 3:1-2)

Soaking prayer is a time of praying waiting upon the Lord and enjoying His presence. We go through all week long, and then there is time we want to set aside to experience God and His presence, the more you do this the more you want to do this, and the more your life and things around you will change. –(Hab. 2:1)

How does one soak in prayer? –

(Isa. 30:15, Isa. 64:1-5, Isa. 66:2)

1. Enter into the Throne Room through the Blood of Christ, believe in the blood of Christ, and enter into the rest of the Lord, and believe the Lord for His peace to come and fill your heart and mind beyond your understanding. As you enter by the Blood believe to feel His presence. The soaking time begins when you begin to sense His presence.
2. Wait upon the Lord, and be patience in waiting.
3. Play anointed prophetic and devotion prayer music in the background.
4. Minister to the Lord.
5. Allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you.
6. Believe the Lord to speak to you, say to the Lord speak for your servant hears you.
7. Believe for visions and prophecy.
8. Worship the Lord.
9. Allow His peace to minister to you.
10. Allow His presence to minister to you.
11. Don’t worry about anything during this time.
12. Ask the Lord to give you revelation from the Word, and believe for revelation to come.
13. Imagine the Throne Room, see it by faith, see the Throne of the Father, and the glory covering Him, and then see Jesus on His Throne right next to His Father. Then begin to worship the Lord, and believe Him to touch you with the experience of His presence.
14. Allow yourself to experience encounter with God.
15. Now read Holy Scriptures on His presence and glory, and believe them for yourself.
16. Now say to the Father, you love Him, now say to Lord Jesus Christ, you love Him, now say to the Holy Spirit, saying you love Him.
17. Allow the Lord to move upon you.
18. Believe for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
19. Seek the Lord in praying in the Holy Spirit.
20. Seek the Lord for His presence, to experience Him, ask for visions, and prophecy, ask for Word revelation, and ask for revival, and ask for His glory cloud to come.
21. Now say and pray holy, holy, holy, you are Lord.
22. Now wait and be quiet before the Lord, and sense the experience of His presence.
23. Reapply these steps over and over, but do it with grace, and liberty, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. Take a whole day of, you a whole after noon. Don’t set a time limited for God to manifest.
24. Ask the Lord to lead you by the Holy Spirit in soaking prayer.

It is the will of the Lord for us to experience Him, to experience His presence, to have visions, and prophecy, and to have the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We are to seek Him and ask Him for these experiences with Him, it is all about relationship. –(Col. 3:102)

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