Monday, July 02, 2007

How To Break Curses

How To Break Curses

Elvis Iverson

There are generational curses, there are spoken curses, and there are witchcraft curses, Christian curses, unbelief curses, and partaking of curses. All these you are free, and you can be free, freedom in Christ is God’s will. –(Gal. 5:1)

Christ has redeem us from the curse of the law, you have authority in Christ to break all these curses in your life away, and instead of curse you impart a blessing, for Christ has already blessed you. –(Gal. 3:13)

How to break curses:

1. Believe that Christ has blessed you with all blessings.
2. Believe that Christ can protect you from all evil, demons, and curses.
3. Believe God’s will is blessing, for you to be blessed.
4. Repent of all sins.
5. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you in hidden sins that you need to repent of.
6. Do identificational repentance about sins ad curses of the generations of father and mother before you.
7. Forgive everyone.
8. Bless everyone.
9. Break all ungodly souls lies and ungodly covenants.
10. Ask the Father to set you free from all curses.
11. Ask the Father to send angels to minister and bring an end to all evil works against you.
12. Break all curses off you life, that think you have.
13. Break all spoken curses of your life, the self curses that you spoken over your own life, those who are in authority, and any one else.
14. Break all witchcraft curses off, ask the Father to send angels to stop them, pray for divine protection over you life, and believe that they can no loner hurt you.
15. Break all Christian curses off, forgive them, pray for them, bless them, pray for the Spirit of repentance come upon them, and that the Lord to protection you from them, and that they can no longer hurt you, pray for the Lord to keep them away from you, and send angels to take out the demons that working behind them.
16. Pray for revelation, and insight to know what to break and, how to pray.
17. Apply the Blood of Christ throughout your time of prayer.
18. Something, and many times you will need to fast, ask the Lord to led you in fasting for freedom.
19. Replace all curses with blessings.
20. Pray and believe for restoration.
21. After you break any curses, bind the demons behind, or working along with a curse, and cast them into hell. Pray for these areas to be filled the Spirit and grace, and pray for the doors to be closed and cover them in the blood of Christ.
22. Believe you are free and enter into the Freedom and liberty that is in Christ.

Generational curses come from sinful lifestyle of the generations that came before you, such as worship false gods, or witchcraft, you can break them off be praying and repenting of your sins, and doing identificational repentance, and then cast out the demons that have gain rights through those Generational curses. –(Jer. 32:18)

Spoken curses come from those in authority, such as you dad or mom, or a teacher in school, or a pastor. Or any one in a place of authority, also they can be words spoken over a certain amount of time against you, and there could be words that you spoken against yourself. First forgive them, and bless them, break those curses and then speak a blessing over your life. –(Prov. 18:21)

Witchcraft curses come from those who use demons led words, or hated for words against you, such as spells cast over you, those who walk in witchcraft don’t like those who are anointing, and all believers have an anointing from God in their lives. First forgive them, bless them, pray for the Lord to stop them, pray for them to come to know the Lord, ask the Lord to sent His angels to stop them and take out the demons behind them, and break those witchcraft curses, and bind the demons that come with them, cast them both into hell. Apply the blood of Christ over your life, believe in the power of the blood of Christ, and believe in God’s divine protection. –(Rev. 12:11)

Christian curses are Christians misled by speaking evil over an another brother, praying evil or bad things over a Christian, or even spiritual leaders praying evil things. Forgive them, pray for them, bless then, break their curses, break their prayers off you, apply the blood of Christ, asks the Lord to grant them repentance, and take out the demons behind them. –(Gal. 5:15)

Unbelief curses are when you believe things about your self, then apply them, and speak them over your life, it is like you made your own doctrine statement of unbelief curses over your life. Repent, break them off, believe the truth, have faith in God’s Word, and ask for restoration, and pray for blessings. –(Prov. 18:21)

Partaking of curses happens when you are a part of a group that is not acting according to the ways of the Scriptures, or can be a group that is under a curse. You must pray for wisdom in what to do, and pray and break those curses off your life. –(2 Cor. 6:14-7:1)

Above all you must believe you are free, and that you have freedom, that that Christ will protect you, and faith in the blood of Christ, and that you are blessed. –(Rom. 8:31-39)

Apart from that, poverty is not the will of the Lord for any believer; God wants every believer to be financial healthy, financial independence, have financial freedom, and financial success. Poverty is a curse, poverty is an evil spirit, and you can be free today. –(Phil. 4:19)

How to break the curses of poverty:

1. If you or your genealogy did any evil, or any evil belief against the nation of Israel or Jewish people. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
2. If you mishandle or misuse money. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
3. If you believe that not tithing today will bring curses you or it is a sin. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord. Believe and apply grace giving.
4. Love of money or greed. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
5. Religion that believes that poverty is of God, and that it is good. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
6. You believe poverty is good. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
7. If you or your genealogy took money from people. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
8. If you worship false gods or religion, etc. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
9. If you don’t aid the poor and suffering. Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord.
10. After you have Repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord. Ask the Lord to show you, and led you, in breaking curses of poverty, and break those curses off, then likewise bind and cast out spirits of poverty, etc. Pray for restoration, and blessings, and honor the Lord with your finances.

The Lord wants us to be free up in our finances so that we can do His will more, He wants us to be bless for the reason we are His children, he wants us to be bless in finances so that we can live a better life, and he wants us to be bless in finances to aid the gospel and support the Kingdom of God. –(Gen. 22:14)

Copyright © 2007 Elvis Iverson All Rights Reserved

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